The stupid little details of my
life seem so trivial compared to what happened in Connecticut on December 14.
Like most caring people, I was
badly affected by what happened but it was from an additional
perspective. Not only did I identify with the children and adults killed
in the shooting attack, but I also was taken back to a dark time in my life
when I was so filled with rage that I was making plans to do much the same
thing as he did.

It is my hope that, in the wake of
this tragedy so close to the traditionally joyous Christmas holiday, we finally
have the courage to address issues of inequities in the treatment of mental
illness. That we finally have the courage to say "I need help and
what you're offering isn't adequate." And demand a solution.
There are millions of people in psychic, emotional, psychological pain--and
they're getting nowhere in the current mental health
It is a crisis. It is
catastrophic. It threatens to worsen, especially if we fall over that
vaunted 'fiscal cliff.'
Yes, we do need to address gun
control issues. There's no reason for an individual to possess the
firepower that this young man had unrestricted access to--especially if, as
been reported (and no one really knows the accuracy), he may have had
psychological issues in addition to his Asberger's. I know there are
those who differ--that's fine. But in light of what has happened, we need
to take some kind of action that might put a damper on this sort of
tragedy. Of course there's no guarantee that any action taken will
prevent it--we all know it's easy to buy guns if you know where to go.
For me, though, it's more
imperative that we deal with mental illness. Stop making the cuts to
Medicaid that so many of those depend on for their psychiatric and medical
survival. Stop making it so hard to find providers who take Medicare and
Medicaid and properly compensate these professionals. I was aghast when I
found out that my therapist on whom I depend so greatly ONLY gets paid $65 (that
includes my co-pay). And my psychiatrist gets $43. That is crazy,
to coin a word.
I hold no illusions that anything
actually will be done. I know how effectively politics stonewalls
progress and rewards regression. I know that politicians are generally
better at pontificating than promoting action that actually benefits their
constituents (especially those who aren't able to hold rallies and write
letters and emails).
I am angry but it's a healthy kind
of anger, one that bespeaks action. I've been reminded that I have a
responsibility because of my background, my skills, and my
articulateness. I'm adding this to my list of goals for 2013. I
just hope that it doesn't go by the wayside.