Friday, February 8, 2013

Talk about speaking before an empty room....

National Grid reports power outages over most of our area
By Will Collette

Winter Storm Nemo (yes, that's its official National Weather Service name) has knocked out the electricity for almost all of Charlestown, Richmond, Hopkinton and Westerly.

If you're reading this, you either don't live here, or you have a generator.

The final connections were made on our new back-up generator just last Monday and - ta-da! - it works. At least for now.

Presuming the power outages are due to downed lines, it's very unlikely power will be restored until the nor'easter finishes blowing through. It is almost suicidal for National Grid line crews to try to put lines back up while the wind is howling. Just imagine being up there in a bucket amid live wires during this gale.

The National Weather Service is currently forecasting the storm to move out of our area by 1 PM 2 PM Saturday with total accumulations of between 14 to 24 inches. Give or take a foot.

National Grid outage map at 10:00 PM: