Saturday, March 2, 2013

60% of Rhode Islanders support marriage equality

Poll: 3 Of Every 5 RIers Support Marriage Equality
By Bob Plain in

Three out of every five Rhode Islanders want the state Senate to follow the House’s lead and allow same sex couples the same marriage rights that other loving couples enjoy, according to a new Brown poll.

“This poll affirms what we are hearing on the phones and at people’s doors – a growing majority of Rhode Islanders strongly support marriage equality,” said Ray Sullivan, Rhode Islanders United for Marriage campaign director. “We are going to keep organizing and advocating for all Rhode Island families, and continue to capture this energy and enthusiasm across the state.”

Only 26 percent of respondents want the inequity to continue, and many in that group cited religious concerns as their reason. Senators concerned about winning reelection into the foreseeable future will want to make note of the fact that more than 80 percent of respondents under 40 support marriage equality.

Nearly all Rhode Island political leaders support same sex marriage with the notable exception of Senate President Teresa Paiva Weed. She has been pressed by everyone from the progressive community to the Providence Journal editorial board to pass marriage equality. A recent ProJo editorial accused her of holding the bill hostage for political purposes instead of passing it so the legislature can focus on the economy.

Bob Plain is the editor/publisher of Rhode Island's Future. Previously, he's worked as a reporter for several different news organizations both in Rhode Island and across the country.

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