Saturday, March 2, 2013

Being connected doesn't make them the same

By ALAN DESBONNET/special to News

The waters off the coast of Rhode Island, specifically Rhode Island Sound and Block Island Sound, while traversed routinely for maritime trade and recreational cruising, have largely been scientific enigmas regarding the details of their physical and chemical properties. This is even more so regarding the waters outside their backdoor—the waters extending out to the edge of the Continental Shelf.

Those drafting the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan (Ocean SAMP), however, needed a better understanding of those waters. The oceanographic characteristics of an area have a major influence on the ecology, and you can’t adequately avoid or mitigate ecological impacts if you don’t understand the ecology, which in this case means you need to understand the physical oceanography.

Sounds are often defined as transitional zones that separate coastal estuarine waters from those of the continental shelf. Rhode Island Sound plays the transitional role for Narragansett Bay, as Block Island Sound does for Long Island Sound. When you look at an oceanographic chart of the waters adjoining the Rhode Island coastline, Rhode Island Sound and Block Island Sound look to be the same large body of water. And since they are the same body of water, their study ought to be straightforward and easy.

While Rhode Island and Block Island Sounds are connected and indeed share many characteristics, Dan Codiga and Dave Ullman, both physical oceanographers at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography who explored the two sounds to gain a better understanding of their oceanography to help develop the ongoing Ocean SAMP, found them to be far from identical twins.

For starters, Block Island Sound was found to be a much more dynamic environment. Stronger currents and greater turbulence turned out to be a hallmark of Block Island Sound, and Codiga and Ullman found this to be largely due to the influence of the tides pulsing in and out of Long Island Sound. Even more interesting is that they found the Connecticut River to be a major influence on the salinity of Block Island Sound.

“During extreme events such as the flood of 2010,” Ullman said, “the influence of Connecticut River fresh water can be seen as lower salinities in surface waters as far to the east as the middle of Rhode Island Sound. That’s an amazingly broad influence on our coastal waters.”

The Race

The Connecticut River drains a watershed that extends to the northern edges of Vermont and New Hampshire, and all the water and snowmelt in that vast watershed pours into Long Island Sound. Long Island Sound water is then pumped into Block Island Sound via a narrow gap called The Race, which gets its name from the way the currents race through the opening.

When all that fresh water meets higher salinity ocean waters, it rides up over it — fresh water is “lighter” than salt water; it doesn’t have the weight of the salt — and tries to create two distinct layers that oceanographers call a stratified water column. This layering effect can hamper mixing of the water column, which in extreme cases can reduce oxygen levels in the water to a point that is stressed (hypoxia).

“Fortunately, the turbulence created by flows through The Race keeps the water column in Block Island Sound generally stirred and well mixed, reducing the chance of severe stratification,” Ullman said.

Conversely, Rhode Island Sound doesn’t have any significant source of fresh water — there are no major rivers pouring directly into it, and Narragansett Bay isn’t a significant source of fresh water either. In this case, and because it’s more tranquil, particularly in the summer, a two-layer system (stratification) often sets up in Rhode Island Sound. Whether this stratification results in the onset of stressful, hypoxic, conditions isn’t known.

“The area that has the greatest potential for hypoxia to occur,” Ullman said, “is the area in Rhode Island Sound where it meets the entrance of Narragansett Bay.”

Stressful place

Dissolved oxygen measures of 4 milligrams per liter, which are just on the borderline of being considered stressful, have been observed in the area noted by Ullman, but not enough measurements have been taken to indicate if things get worse or not. Given increasing temperatures and reduced summer winds due to changing climate, this is an area where further research would be appropriate, according to the researchers.

Although the two sounds behave somewhat differently, they do interact with one another. Codiga and Ullman have been able to piece together an overall working model of the physical oceanography of these offshore waters. They describe surface water flowing into eastern Rhode Island Sound from the southeast (Nantucket/Vineyard region), then moving west into central Rhode Island Sound, where it then turns southwest along the east side of Block Island.

Water moving out of Long Island Sound moves to the east and southeast, where it joins up with water moving out of Rhode Island Sound, and all the water then moves southwest around the tip of Montauk Point on Long Island, continuing south and west into the Mid-Atlantic Bight.

While collecting the information needed to pull together a picture of the general circulation of these offshore waters, the researchers documented a unique occurrence — the intrusion of a deep-water tongue of saltier, warmer water into Rhode Island Sound.

“What we observed was an extreme event,” Codiga said. “The deep water that flowed into Rhode Island Sound was saltier and warmer than any that have been measured in that area.”

According to Ullman, “The water that we saw move into Rhode Island Sound had all the characteristics of water that is typically found on the Shelf Break — the area where the Continental Shelf drops off into the depths of the Atlantic.”

Both Codiga and Ullman said they recorded a rare event, and both said that such events could be significant to the biology and ecology by opening an avenue for plants and animals from the tropics to gain access to northern temperate inshore waters.

Ullman sifted through archived data and found no previous documentation of such an event. The research duo, in collaboration with Sea Grant-funded researchers Chris Kincaid and Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert, placed in-water monitoring arrays offshore during the winter of 2010–11, but found no evidence of a recurrence of the deep-water intrusion.

Alan Desbonnet is the interim director Rhode Island Sea Grant. This article originally was published in the Fall 2012 41˚ N.