Sunday, March 3, 2013


Alcohol May Have Played Role

Notably Over the Limit

This week’s highest blood alcohol content measurement allegedly goes to one 34-year-old man from South Kingstown. At a .326, this man was allegedly more than four times the legal limit when he drove his car into a stone wall in South Kingstown, according to police reports. To add to the story, it seems the man hadn’t quite learned from past experiences: according to reports, he was arrested by Narragansett police only 13 days prior on charges of (you guessed it) drunken driving.

Love (and Cars) in the Air For Valentine’s Day

Love was in the air this past Valentine’s Day – and so was one woman’s car. According to reports out of Barrington, a supposed drunk driver hit a median that sent her car into the air. Police found the car flipped over on its roof against a lamppost. The 27-year-old Providence woman who was the driver reportedly crawled out of the car and, when speaking with police, had no memory of the crash. She faces charges of driving under the influence.

That’s An Odd Looking Urinal…

Apparently, two 40-something Newport men had some difficulty keeping it in their pants last weekend. On Friday night, an employee at a Cumberland Farms realized a customer was urinating in one of the aisles. When the female employee asked him to leave, he allegedly refused and then proceeded to make comments about her breasts. Obviously, such behavior led straight to a call to the police station.

Just 26 hours later, another 40-something man decided he, too, did not want to be wearing his drawers. An Xtra Mart employee looked outside and saw a man exposing himself to her. Even after she asked him to cover himself, he made no attempt to do so. According to reports, it was his second indecent exposure offense.

Putting the ‘Shove’ in Shovel

On the list of acceptable reasons to shove someone, we’re pretty sure “they weren’t nice to me” isn’t on there. One Johnston man learned that the hard way last week after his truck got stuck in the snow. The man and his passenger began to walk around the area to find a shovel and stumbled upon a man shoveling out his driveway. When the man declined to help the pair, the driver allegedly shoved the 39-year-old man. Multiple witnesses corroborated the victim’s story, according to reports.