Thursday, March 7, 2013


Responsible Adults, A Mother's Advice

Teens and Adults RSVP to Facebook Fight

One 17-year-old boy now has an interesting life event to add to his Facebook timeline after would-be fight turned into a real-life car chase.

According to the Portsmouth Police Department, two teens decided to plan a fight at the park, organizing it on Facebook. (No word yet on whether they created a Facebook event out of the fight.) While the 17-year-old boy brought along two teenaged friends (15 and 16 years of age), the other boy brought two adults (aged 34 and 38).

One of the adults appeared to be very serious about the fight and allegedly had a baseball bat. The teen boy left with his friends, but the adults reportedly followed. After two teens were dropped off, the adults allegedly approached his car on foot at a red light, smashed out the side window and punched the boy in the head. 

One of the adults even reportedly ripped of his vehicle’s door handles. They both fled the scene but later turned themselves into police.

Toddlers (and Vodka) On Board

There are some things that just don’t go well together — oil and water, drinking milk after brushing your teeth, and toddlers and vodka. A 51-year-old mother from Middletown is facing a DUI charge after police allegedly caught her swerving down Aquidneck Avenue.

Once they pulled her over, officers discovered that she had her two young children (1 and 2 years old) in the car with her. She initially told police she had just picked the girls up from DCYF’s Child and Family Services, but then said it was a day care down the road. (It turned out she had picked her children up about 90 minutes before being pulled over.)

Police noted that she appeared to be confused and under the influence, and asked her to exit the car, at which point they allegedly found several full and empty bottles of vodka in the car. She was arrested after she allegedly failed her field sobriety test. Police notified DCYF of the incident and arrest.

Listen to Your Mother

One Connecticut may apparently took the term “listen to your mother” to heart this month after a night of drinking.

When police approached the car, they realized the man was on the phone with his mother. The man reportedly told his mother, “The cops just shined their lights on me! I am going to jail!” Because he had her on speakerphone, officers were able to hear the mother’s response, telling her son not to take any tests. The mother allegedly said, “Tell them your mother is advising you not to take any tests.”

The man also reportedly told police that just three days prior, he had finished serving a sentence for a DWI arrest three days ago. (Police checked both RI and Connecticut databases, but could not find any previous DUI arrests for the man.)