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Saturday, May 11, 2013


28 Arrests, Video Game Violence & Redbox Wrath
Man Hits Milestone 28th Arrest

A man from South Kingstown has probably experienced more arrests than some first-year police officers after he was nabbed for his 28th — yes, 28th — arrest this week. For his 28ththe 47-year-old man went all out with a felony charge of possession of crack cocaine.

As for his other 27 arrests, the man seems to like diversity. He’s been charged with drug crimes, receiving stolen goods, disorderly conduct, assault and property destruction, to name a few. In 1999, he even had a charge of attempting to escape from a correctional facility.

For now, he’s been ordered to serve an 18-month suspended sentence and 18 months of probation, as well as substance abuse counseling.

…And Not To Be Upstaged

Speaking of repeat offenders, a Middletown man is on his way to racking up the charges this week after he was arrested twice in 48 hours. The 21-year-old man found himself in handcuffs after he got in an argument with a woman and allegedly broke her phone, resulting in charges of domestic larceny, disorderly conduct and vandalism.

Two days later, police allegedly found him at a motel room with a woman who had a no-contact order against him. When police arrived to confront him, the man reportedly tried to escape the room through a back window, but then decided otherwise. He finally opened the door and police allegedly had to drag him out of the room, screaming.

That arrest landed him three additional charges – violation of a no-contact order, obstruction of an officer and resisting arrest.

Video Games Can (Allegedly) Cause Violence

An arrest in North Kingstown shows it may be possible for video games to cause violence. A woman was trying to get some shuteye before work in the morning, but her boyfriend apparently had different plans … and those plans were video games.

The couple argued about the man’s disregard for his girlfriend’s sleep cycle, forcing her to sleep on the couch when he refused to end his video game spree. Then, things allegedly got physical when the argument came back to life and the 19-year-old Providence man allegedly punched and threw her to the ground after she asked him to stop playing games once again.

Police arrived and arrested the man on domestic assault charges, which decidedly ended his night of game-playing.

She Must Really Like Movies

As if picking out a movie at Redbox isn’t difficult enough, things got infinitely harder for one Middletown couple last week. The two were outside a Redbox machine at a gas station when a 47-year-old woman, who was allegedly drunk at the time, decided that they were taking too long to make their decision.

She allegedly told them to “hurry up“ and then slammed the woman into her car. Police arrived and noted the assailant smelled of alcohol and marijuana. Officers allegedly found a crack pipe and other evidence of drug use in her car.

She failed field sobriety tests and was taken into custody. Police reports indicate she never got her movie.