Thursday, May 9, 2013

The stuff people believe

Charlestown isn’t the only crazy place
"I want to believe!" - 29%
By Will Collette
A new survey report by Public Policy Polling, the much-lauded pollsters who were the most dead-on accurate on the 2012 Presidential and Congressional races, shows that there are lots of Americans who believe incredibly stupid things.
I’d love to see a poll like this conducted just for Charlestown to see how we stack up.
PPP surveyed registered voters only. Since 140,000,000 people voted in 2012, when PPP says that 21% of registered voters believe a UFO really did crash at Roswell, NM in 1947, and that the US government covered it up, that converts into 29.4 million people.

In another, brand-new poll just released by Fairleigh-Dickinson University, 29% of registered voters (40.6 million people) believe an armed rebellion might be needed in the United States in the next few years. That number jumps to 44% among Republicans. By huge margins, the people who think there's going to be an armed revolt soon also oppose gun control and think the massacre of children at Newtown Elementary was a hoax or government plot.
Here are some of the other things a large number of people say they believe.

18.2 million people believe the
 President is the Anti-Christ
37% (51.8 million) think global warming is a hoax. I suspect that would include every member of the Charlestown Citizens Alliance.
29% or 40.6 million people believe space aliens exist.
28% (39.2 million) still believe Saddam Hussein and Iraq were involved in the 9/11 attacks.
28% also believe there is a global conspiracy to bring the entire planet under an authoritarian world government, the New World Order. 

NOTE: PPP does not indicate how much overlap there is in their results. I.e. do the same 28% of voters believe the Saddam Hussein myth and the New World Order myth?
15% (21 million people) think the government has added secret mind-control technology to TV signals.
15% also think the medical and pharmaceutical industries simply make up new diseases to make money.
14% (19.6 million) believe in Big Foot.
Read the whole cartoon - 
click here.
13% (18.2 million) believe President Obama is the Anti-Christ. Among Romney voters, the percentage rises to 22% or 13.4 million. 

If you subtract those 13.4 million Romney voters from the 18.2 million Presidential vote total, that gives you 4.8 million voters who believe Obama is the anti-Christ, but still voted for him.
5.6 million people think the 
Gorn have taken over
11% (15.4 million) think the US government deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen.
7% (9.8 million) think the moon landings were faked.
6%, or 8.4 million people, think Osama bin Laden is still alive.
5% (7 million) think that the contrails left by high-flying jets are actually chemicals being sprayed by the government for sinister reasons.
4% of voters – 5.6 million people – say they believe “lizard people” (I’m not making this up) control our societies by gaining political power.
Several of the “issues” polled by PPP were listed by Wired magazine in 2007 as the Top Ten Conspiracy Theories. That list included the lizard people.