Creative Approaches to Renewable Energy
· From Global Warming is
is the key to the future and central to the expansion of renewable sources of
energy. There are a number of innovations that could radically transform the
clean energy equation.
renewable energy is growing exponentially around the world these sources of
power have a number of shortcoming that make it difficult to scale-up so that
they can replace dirty energy sources like fossil fuels.
those who doubt that renewable energy will be able to replace fossil fuels lack
imagination. We need to get outside the box to envision a future powered
entirely by clean energy.
sources of power are our only hope for the future as we cannot continue to rely
on fossil fuels. Professor Lesley Hughes explains, “In order to achieve that
goal of stabilizing the climate at two degrees or less, we simply
have to leave about 80 percent of the world’s fossil fuel reserves in the
ground, We cannot afford to burn them and still have a stable and safe
Here are a number of examples of recent innovations in renewable energy. While these examples only scratch the surface of creative approaches to clean energy, they give us an idea of some of the ways in which we may be able to provide for all of our power needs while minimizing our impact on the planet.
innovations are broken down into the following five areas: Wind, solar,
nano-technologies, small scale renewables, and hydrogen.
Wind energy
turbines: Conventional wind turbines are a
large and growing source of energy but the turning blades have led to concerns
about noise pollution and impacts on bird and bat populations. People have also
complained that such wind turbines are an eyesore. The new concept developed by Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science faculty
at Delft, converts wind to energy without any moving parts by using
the movement of electrically charged water droplets to generate power.
spheres: Offshore wind holds tremendous
promise. However, the intermittent and unpredictable presence of wind imposes
limits on this technology. Researchers at MIT have developed a way of storing
wind energy to be used when there is no wind. This concept employs huge
concrete spheres which anchor wind turbines to the sea floor.
When a wind
turbine produces more energy than is needed, power is diverted to drive a pump
attached to the underwater structure, pumping seawater out of a
30-meter-diameter hollow sphere. Then when there is no wind the water would
flow back into the sphere through a turbine attached to a generator, producing
energy. Initial tests suggest that this is a viable cost effective technology.
Solar energy
solar cells: A printing process has been
developed that harnesses the power of the sun. These simple solar cells can
even be folded and unfolded. The robust new technology was developed by a team
of researchers at MIT. The vapor-deposition process is inexpensive and
scalable for commercial applications. It uses significantly less energy
intensive materials (i.e. glass).
battery: A dramatic and surprising magnetic
effect of light discovered by University
of Michigan researchers could lead to solar power without
traditional semiconductor-based solar cells. The so called “optical battery,”
has overturned a century-old tenet of physics.
The researchers found that a
light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger
than previously expected. Under these circumstances, the magnetic effects
develop strength equivalent to a strong electric effect. This could lead to a
new kind of solar cell without semiconductors and without absorption to produce
charge separation.
This new technique could make solar power much cheaper.
Researchers predict that with improved materials they could convert solar power
to useable energy equivalent to today’s commercial-grade solar cells.
Based Panels: Pacific Gas and Electric
(PG&E) and its partner Solaren are
trying to get approval from US regulators to purchase 200 megawatts worth of
solar energy delivered from solar panels located in space. Unlike the 2007
Pentagon study which concluded that space based solar panels are not
economical, Solaren claims it has developed a technology that would make it
commercially viable in the coming years.
Panels: Researchers are looking into the
rare earth metal ceria, (also known as cerium oxide) to be incorporated into solar panels. What makes this metal
so interesting is its ability to alternatively exhale and inhale oxygen as it
heats up or cools down.
efficiency thin-film: Scientists at Johannes
Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have managed to increase the
efficiency of thin-film solar cells. They are employing computer simulations to
probe deeper into the indium/gallium combination to increase the efficiency of
Copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS) thin-film solar cells.
panels: MIT researchers are investigating
ways of capturing and releasing solar energy with the help of thermo-chemical technology. Although initially
investigated in the seventies, it was found to be too expensive. MIT
researchers are working to make this thermo-chemical technology more cost
nanotubes: The researchers of Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) have found that carbon nanotubes discharge
powerful waves of electricity under certain circumstances. The MIT team calls
it thermopower waves.
Nano-photosynthesis: Nanoscience is working on duplicating the process known as
photosynthesis where plants convert sunlight into chemical energy. A team of
the University of Florida chemists is trying a new mechanism to transform light straight into motion.
battery: Angela Belcher and her team of
bioengineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a virus-built battery.
nano-scale wires: Scientists from Bar-Ilan University, Israel, supported by U.S.
Department of Energy’s (DOE) at Brookhaven National Laboratory are
producing superconducting nano-scale wires to facilitate faster and more
powerful electronic devices.
Small Scale

Wind Power: There are several “back-pack”
style devices that are on the market including the Rose Wind Turbine.
This turbine is a small portable device that fits neatly into the trunk of a
that can be used in electrolyzers: Researchers at the University
of Calgary are using electrocatalysts that can be used in
electrolyzers, which can generate hydrogen. This relatively less expensive
approach can create hydrogen energy generated from solar panels or wind
It can then be used when there is no sun or no wind. The
Calgary Researchers have already formed a company, named FireWater Fuel, to commercialize the new catalysts.
They hope to have a prototype soon.
Catalyst: A new process is being tested by
chemical engineers at Purdue University to get cost effective hydrogen
production at fuel-cell temperature-level without the need for a catalyst.
Photosynthesis: Scientists from the University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are working on
a type of photosynthesis as a way to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
of these technologies will never get off the ground to become commercially
viable. However, renewable energy innovation is ongoing and we are finding ways
of improving existing technologies or developing entirely new sources of clean
It takes some imagination, but it is important to allow ourselves to see
beyond the technological limitations we face today. The key is to think outside
the box and not envision a future limited by the technologies of today.
Richard Matthews is a consultant, eco-entrepreneur, green investor and author of numerous articles on sustainable positioning, eco-economics and enviro-politics. He is the owner of The Green Market Oracle, a leading sustainable business site and one of the Web’s most comprehensive resources on the business of the environment. Find The Green Market on Facebook and follow The Green Market’s twitter feed.