Saturday, June 8, 2013

Doughboys, by any other name, taste just as good

Richmond Dems host community breakfast June 9
By Will Collette

Pat DiBernardo of the Richmond Democratic Town Committee liked my promo for their annual doughboy breakfast last year and asked to "do something like that" for this year's event. Since I only have but the one doughboy story (and since our readership has more than doubled in the past year), I'm going to run it again, hoping that if you are a new reader, you'll enjoy it, and if you are an regular reader, you'll forgive my self-plagiarism.

My first organizing job was in the early 1970s working in my home town of Central Falls

One of the local leaders was an elderly Portuguese lady, a very strong and loyal person. 

But in the window of her first floor apartment in the three-decker where she lived was a puzzling, hand-written sign that read “Douche Bags, 25 cents.” 

I just couldn’t figure it out. I didn’t want to think about it, but I couldn’t help it. 

And of course, this was not a subject for a young man to broach with an elderly woman.

But at one local chapter meeting, all was revealed. Mary came to the meeting with a steaming tray of sugar-sprinkled dough boys. I said, “oh wow, Mary, so you make dough boys?!?” The chapter president, a guy named Charlie, said “yeah, dincha know dat…she makes da best in CF…sells em fer two bits…dincha see the sign in ha winder?”

Our friends in the Richmond Democratic Town Committee also make delicious doughboys and, on June 9, you will get the chance to find out how good.

At their annual community breakfast, the Richmond Dems will be serving scrambled eggs, breakfast sausages, fruit cup and, of course, doughboys. $7 a head for adults and only $5 for seniors (50+) and kids (under 12).

If you’re not from around here, a doughboy is a local specialty that a lot like a cross between a light and moist doughnut and a flaky New Orleans style beignet.

Here are the full details on the event: