Tuesday, June 11, 2013

National Grid Donates a $30,000 Challenge Grant to South County Habitat

For Habitat’s “Home for a Hero” housing program for disabled vets
On June 6, 2013, South County Habitat for Humanity kicked off fundraising efforts for their newest project, “Home for a Hero” with a $30,000 challenge grant from National Grid.

The “Home for a Hero” project will be located in Old North Village, a community of Habitat houses in Kingston, on the edge of the URI campus. The community is made up of four houses, two of which are already built and occupied. 

The “Home for a Hero” house, of which Senator Jack Reed is the Honorary Chairperson, will be built specifically for a disabled veteran. National Grid will be donating the money and asking local companies to contribute as much as they can to match their donation. With this donation, South County Habitat for Humanity will be able to break ground on the “Home for a Hero” this summer.

"National Grid is proud to be a part of South County Habitat for Humanity's Home for a Hero campaign," said Timothy F. Horan, President of National Grid in Rhode Island and executive sponsor of the company’s Veteran Employee Resource Group. "This is just one way the company can help to repay the debt we all owe to our veterans who have sacrificed so much for our country."

The man who will be occupying the home is currently living in a shelter for veterans, and due to his situation, is not able to have his 16-year-old daughter visit with him. He is currently a student at the University of Rhode Island, and is planning to attend law school after he graduates. 

He is excited at the prospect of owning his own home, and be able to have a place for his daughter to stay. Executive Director of South County Habitat Lou Raymond says: “We are thrilled to be able to partner with Senator Jack Reed and National Grid to offer this veteran a hand-up, not a hand-out. “

With this Challenge Grant from National Grid, South County Habitat will be able to make one more step towards its mission of helping to eliminate substandard housing by creating decent homes in partnership with people in need. There are many opportunities for companies to get involved.

For more information, please contact Sara Duphily at sara@southcountyhabitat.org