Friday, June 21, 2013


Double Trouble Car Accidents, Arrests

They'll Never Find Me in the Boys Room

Speaking of double trouble, one Providence woman is in a bit of trouble after she fled from one car accident, only to end up in another accident. The 26-year-old woman reportedly hit a traffic signal pole in Cranston before leaving the scene – with both of her airbags deployed.

Then, it happened again: the woman allegedly drove her car into an 18-wheeler truck. With her car wedged underneath the truck, she fled from the scene and ran into a school. Police said she locked herself in a boys bathroom stall and flushed something down the toilet.

Stranger with Candy

You’d think with all the warnings about how children shouldn’t take candy from strangers that no one in their right mind would attempt such a ploy. Apparently, one man in North Kingstown actually tried the candy trick when he offered a student a lollipop. The child was a student at a local day care and was approached by an older white man in a gray truck.

Luckily, a teacher intercepted the candy and took the student back inside. The only thing that could have made his ploy more cliché is if he had a crate full of puppies and kittens in his truck as well.

The One-Uppers

Following last week’s police logs from Newport, we’re starting to think there’s a competition we’re not aware of. First, a 53-year-old man chalked up two arrests in as many days after he was first arrested for disorderly conduct when he allegedly started a fight in a barbershop. The following day, he came into the police station and began to fight officers.

Not to be outdone, a 38-year-old Newport man was cited twice in less than 12 hours. He was cited at 1:59 a.m. outside a pizza joint for drinking in public. Less than 8 hours later, he was cited again for – wait for it – drinking in public.

New Paint Jobs: Only $50

Warning – this story definitely pegs the dumb-o-meter. It all started when a Portsmouth teen reported his silver bike stolen and put up reward notices in his neighborhood. Soon after, he was approached by a 54-year-old man who claimed he had located the bike and had to pay another man $50 to get it back. When the man showed up to the victim’s home with the bike (at the completely reasonable time of 1:45 a.m.), he allegedly wanted the $50 for the bike. The teen eventually gave the man $10 for the bike, but then soon noticed that the bike wasn’t his. 

It turns out the man had spray painted a black bike silver. At the man’s house, police allegedly found silver spray paint on his rug and the outline of a bicycle. He was charged with larceny and vandalism.