Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Raging Mad
Hulk Smash?

Getting arrested can be an incredibly angering experience for some. For one New Jersey man, the rage that followed his arrest could be described as…Hulk-ish? Smithfield police arrested a 21-year-old man on DUI charges after he had allegedly crashed his car into a tree.

At the police station, the man took a Breathalyzer test, then allegedly stood up from his chair, walked over to the sink and tore it from the wall, breaking the pipes attaching it. Police were able to subdue the man/Hulk impersonator with a Taser.

When Your Alibi Needs an Alibi

This week’s best fake alibi goes to a Providence man accused of robbery. When police caught up to the man who allegedly stole $341 from Kattan’s Market in Cranston, he told them he couldn’t possibly be the robber.

Why? Well, because he had allegedly “engaged in homosexual sex and had just been dropped off” near his home. That story may have explained why the man was sweating so much, but didn’t explain why he allegedly had $341 in his pockets.

Also, it didn’t help his case that he tried to run away from police during questioning, according to reports. The clerk at the market reportedly positively identified the 33-year-old man as the robber, resulting in a first-degree robbery charge.

Best Weapon to Protect Your Heroin Business?

It’s a good thing no one tried to steal from this reported heroin dealer in Portsmouth, especially after what police found in her home this week.

According to reports, officers had been monitoring the 60-year-old woman’s home for several months after an informant told them she was dealing heroin.

Sure enough, when police conducted a search of the home, they allegedly found small packages of heroin, $2,000 of cash, marijuana and several weapons – including an AK-47. (Maybe someone’s been watching too much Quentin Tarantino?)

She reportedly did not possess permits for any of the weapons and now faces multiple drug charges.

Least Likely to Befriend a Police Officer

One Rocky Hill School student isn’t making any friends with his local police department after he was arrested on DUI charges this week. 

Though police allegedly found open containers of vodka, beer and wine in his car and the teen seemed under the influence, the student seemed pretty confident he’d come out of the incident unscathed, telling police, “We will see what happens when this goes to court. I’ll get off.”

He refused to take a field sobriety test and continued to converse with officers, even asking one police officer, “How mad does it make you feel that you have to make $15,000 a year for the rest of your life?” Additionally, the teen reportedly told officers that he had been arrested several times prior and knew “how this works.”