Friday, June 28, 2013


Driving to Endanger

A First Time ‘Drink Driver’

When one of your first statements to an officer is that you are “drinking drive” instead of “drunk driving,” you’re going to have a bad time. Police pulled over Warwick man who was allegedly driving 105 mph on Route 37 in Cranston.

Though his speech was reportedly slurred and he was lethargic, officers were able to decipher that the man was repeatedly apologizing and said it was his first time “drinking drive.”

After blowing a .187 on a preliminary Breathalyzer, he was brought to the police station in Cranston. En route, he continued his apologies. His wife will also be happy to know that he professed his love for her to the officers.

Wal-Mart Hit and Run

We’re not sure if scooters fall under the purview of hit and runs, but for the purposes of this story we’re going to allow it. This past week at the North Kingstown Wal-Mart, two customers had a unique interaction while waiting in line. The “victim” (we’ll use that term loosely) told police that she was run over by an elderly woman in a scooter who was waiting behind her.

The scooter driver “bolted” before rescue crews came to treat the “victim,” who became wedged underneath the scooter and a merchandise rack. According to an employee who saw the alleged assault, it appeared that the victim stepped backward into the path of the scooter and that the entire situation seemed accidental.

Road Rage Driver Flashes BB Gun On the Road

In the words of Ron Burgundy: That escalated quickly. What started as a simple case of one car almost hitting another turned into a slew of charges for the road rage driver. A fellow driver told police that the 43-year-old man was swerving and almost hit the car he, his girlfriend and kids were driving in, prompting the driver to beep his horn to get his attention.

The other driver continued to drive erratically and, when the two cars pulled up to a traffic light, the girlfriend allegedly noticed that the other driver was waving a loaded BB gun at them. Then, he got out of the car, slammed the gun down on the front of the other man’s car before pointing it at him.

The family called police who tracked down the driver and discovered that not only did the road rage driver have a suspended license, but he also allegedly had $80 worth of cocaine on him – leading to four charges in total from the incident.