Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Less to sweat about electric car batteries

A new approach to calm potential EV battery worries
While the Nissan Leaf is perhaps the best known EV in the mass market today there have still been issues with regards to the journey capacity and battery technology. Even though battery technology continues to catch up with EV technology there is something of a vacuum while this process is completed. As a consequence, like competitors such as Tesla, Nissan is now launching a new service to put EV driver's minds at rest.

In simple terms Nissan will offer Nissan Leaf drivers in the US the opportunity to replace their battery for whatever reason while part of the battery replacement program (cost $100 a month). When you bear in mind that the cost of the battery pack in an EV is the single most expensive piece of equipment this will certainly help.

The current Nissan Leaf standard battery warranty covers 60,000 mile coverage against battery capacity loss and eight-year coverage against defects during the first 100,000 miles. The new battery replacement program will offer similar terms to the current warranty in addition to at least 70% capacity per battery pack and the opportunity to replace the battery pack because of defects while in the battery replacement program.

This is certainly an interesting option for Nissan Leaf motorists in the US and shows that EV companies are now starting to wake up to the major concerns amongst motorists. As the battery pack is at this moment in time the most expensive single component of an EV, the ability to replace this piece of kit at any time is obviously very helpful. In simple terms, you have your own insurance policy against reduced capacity and defects.

Read more at ENN Affiliate, ElectricForum.