Leatherback turtle rescued from fishing rope off RI
- See more at: http://www.rifuture.org/leatherback-turtle-rescued-from-fishing-rope-off-charlestown.html#sthash.S2QibPN1.dpuf
We know they come to
feast on jellyfish. We know the females lay eggs in surf-side nests in South
America, the Caribbean and as far north as Florida and that the males never
again return to shore.
But we don’t even know how long they live. After they hatch they swim sometimes thousands of miles out into the deep sea and even researches don’t see much of them again.
But we don’t even know how long they live. After they hatch they swim sometimes thousands of miles out into the deep sea and even researches don’t see much of them again.
Until, that is, they
are in trouble.
Such was the case on Thursday when a team from Mystic Aquarium and the U.S. Coast Guard rescued a 600-pound leatherback turtle that had become entangled in commercial fishing equipment four miles off the coast of Charlestown, RI.
Leatherbacks, so named
because their so-called shells aren’t hard like other turtles, are one of the
charter members of the Endangered Species list. With no natural predators other
than human egg poachers, abandoned fishing equipment is the world’s biggest
turtle’s biggest threat.
The turtle rescued
last week got caught in some rope that was attached to a buoy 4.5 miles south
from little-known Quonochontaug Beach and 5.5 miles from well-known Misquamicut
Beach (about 8.5 miles northwest of Block Island), where the ocean is about 100
feet deep.
Being too far off the
coast for the Charlestown harbormaster to respond, a seven-person Coast Guard
team assisted a three-member rescue squad from the Aquarium. It took them about
45 minutes to free the leatherback, said Janelle Schuh, a stranding coordinator
for Mystic Aquarium.
“It had a significant
number of wraps around one of it flippers,” she said.
“They usually don’t
cooperate very well. There’s lot’s of flailing of their flippers,” she added,
noting that their flippers are three-feel long. “Basically, they are just
trying to get out of the way.”
Mystic Aquarium took
video of the rescue, and released about a minute of footage to the public.
“Leatherback turtles
occur relatively commonly in the Rhode Island study area,” according to a 2010
study of marine mammals and reptiles by URI marine biology professor Robert
Kenney. Almost all are spotted in summer or fall, and most are seen from
pleasure or whale watching boats in the same general vicinity that this where
this Leatherback was found.
Interestingly enough,
his research also indicates many of
the regional Leatherbacks strandings occur in Rhode Island waters (p. 337).
Leatherback strandings
are relatively common in Rhode Island, however we did not have access to most
of those records … of the 146 sea turtle strandings responded to by Mystic
Aquarium from 1987 to 2001, 124 (84.9%) were in Rhode Island, and 120 of the
146 were leatherbacks.
Mystic Aquarium
encourages the public to use its 24-hour hotline at 860.572.5955 ext. 107 if they encounter a marine mammal or sea
turtle in Conn., R.I. or Fishers Island, N.Y.
Bob Plain is the editor/publisher of Rhode Island's Future. Previously,
he's worked as a reporter for several different news organizations both in
Rhode Island and across the country.