A closer look at proposed restrictions for
businesses and homes
In yesterday's article, I detailed the first of two controversial proposed ordinances that the
Charlestown Town Council will consider at its October 7 meeting. Click here to
read the earlier article on proposed new shrubbery requirements.
These proposals
are controversial because the brunt of the compliance costs will fall on
Charlestown’s ever dwindling small business community, although a number of
homeowners will be surprised to learn that they, too, could get hammered by
this ordinance. See sections 218-59 & 60, below.
In addition to the
serious flaws in the ordinances, Planning Commissar Ruth Platner and Town
Council Boss Tom Gentz tried to ram these ordinances through at the September
meeting by withholding information, curtailing debate and cutting out the
business community. Their own colleagues turned down Boss Gentz’s attempt to
force a vote, pushing the issue back to this meeting.

In the latest version, you can now see those changes in color coding. Click here to read the color-coded version which appears after the version that was advertised - so make sure you go all the way to the end.
Obviously, you
will want to read the entire ordinance for yourself. For your convenience, I’ve
gone through the ordinance and give you the following section-by-section
commentary. Where I’ve used the actual language of the ordinance, you’ll see
those passages set off in quotation marks.
NO. 360
§ 218-56 Required
Parking. This new version of the ordinance retains the original language of the
current ordinance that “grandfathers” businesses and subdivisions that make
changes to the property that do not “change of use in the parking and/or location
requirements.” If that’s the case, whatever parking rules applied before,
continue to apply. I point this out because the sister ordinance, #359,
triggers new landscaping obligations on a property owner anytime the owner does
any kind of work on the property that requires a building permit.
Happily, this
ordinance does not have that fatal flaw. However, it does have its own wheelbarrow full of problems.
§ 218-57 A. and
B. You will not have to count any handicapped parking
spaces against your limit on parking spaces. This provision, as well as B. were presented as if they were major concessions. But handicapped parking is required under the Americans with Disabilities Act, so Ruth Platner is not doing anyone any favors that are not otherwise required by federal law. Under subsection B., there may be
other times when an owner needs more parking than allowed under the ordinance
due to some special circumstances. It will be the owner’s obligation to prove
that need before being allowed to create additional parking spaces.
Here are the new requirements and limits on parking:
§ 218-57 C. If you have a right to parking spaces,
but it doesn’t fit one of the categories in the table, the Town Building
Official (the consultant for Planning called him “Inspector”) will try to make
the best match with the table or will try to see if there’s a close match in
the parking standards of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).
I think the Planning Commission is afraid that without this ordinance, our community turn into something like Russia. Check out the video.
§ 218-57 D. If there’s a parking lot serving more than one business, the total number of allowable spaces will be the number you get when you add up the spaces for each individual business, rounding down the fractions. There are a few more factors in this section that, frankly, gave me a headache but left me with a sense of gratitude that I don’t run a small business in Charlestown.
§ 218-57 D. If there’s a parking lot serving more than one business, the total number of allowable spaces will be the number you get when you add up the spaces for each individual business, rounding down the fractions. There are a few more factors in this section that, frankly, gave me a headache but left me with a sense of gratitude that I don’t run a small business in Charlestown.
§ 218-57 E. “Up
to 50 percent of on-site off-street shared parking requirements may be provided
off-site provided that parking is located within 400 feet of the property
boundary in a walkable route from one property boundary to another and safe, if
applicable, well lighted pedestrian access can be demonstrated by the
applicant.” I used the exact language just to give you a taste of the way
this ordinance is written. Since the purpose of this ordinance is to clamp down
on parking, I don’t see the point of this section, other than to say that if
you don’t have enough parking, make your customers park on the street or
somewhere else, but be safe, y’all.
§ 218-58 Standards for
parking lots: “Off-street
parking lots of more than two motor vehicles capacity shall conform to the following
standards of construction:”
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Those bumper guards really did a great job |
It also looks like the Planning Commission wants to take over the traffic duties of the Police Department by warning, “Vehicles shall not extend over property lines, pedestrian areas or bump any wall or landscaping.”
What the hell is that doing in the town zoning ordinance? Why not require the parking lot owner to equip the trees with an automatic alarm to notify police if somebody hits them? Is our town's zoning officer, Joe Warner, going to enforce this prohibition?
§ 218-58 B. If the lot is next to a residential
area, add a 15 foot, landscaped setback and go and read Ordinance #359 on
Shrubbery and throw up in the nearest toilet.
§ 218-58 C. This is about permissible lighting. Go
read the lighting ordinance.
§ 218-58 D. If you have 10 or more spaces for
cars, you must also provide for parking for bikes – one per every ten cars –
with lighting (but in conformity with the lighting ordinance) and either a rack
or locker.
§ 218-58 E. “On
any business or industrial use, parking shall not be permitted within any front
yard or required buffer.” Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but I think this
would outlaw parking in front of almost every business on Old Post Road and
Route One if those businesses decide
to do anything that triggers this ordinance. Also the Gentleman Farmer,
Atlantic Animal Hospital, street-side parking at Arrowhead Dental, the Gun Shop
and so on. Drive around town and count up how many businesses this would affect.
§ 218-58 F. Parking plans must be submitted either
during development plan review or at the time of a building permit application.
§ 218-58 G. and I. Each parking space must be at least nine feet by eighteen feet.
Aisles must be at least ten feet wide. Circulation areas must permit vehicles
to move without killing somebody or hitting other cars (duh). You can create
angular parking spaces as long as you maintain the minimum spacing.
§ 218-58 H. Circulation areas shall be designed so
that vehicles can proceed safely without danger to pedestrians, other vehicles
and without interfering with other parking spaces.

At the end of
every double row of parking spaces, you must have a landscaped island that’s at
least 10 feet wide and on and on and on in torturous detail. There’s stuff
about shade trees and how high they must be and how far apart, reflectors,
perforated curbing, etc. After you read
the total language in just this one section, you’ll probably want to forget
about parking altogether, which is probably the point of this ordinance.
Provisions that affect homeowners
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The penalty for parking one too many "major recreational equipment" vehicles at your home |
§ 218-60 Don’t park these at home either.
If you want to keep a pick-up camper, RV, tent
trailer, boat or boat trailer or similar “Major Recreation Equipment” at home or
in your neighborhood, you must NOT live
in it, sleep in it or use it for “housekeeping purposes” whatever that means.

You can’t leave it in the front yard, period. It must be in working condition (hint: putting it up on cinder blocks might be a giveaway). This might also be targeted at the old Army ambulance at Dave’s Coffee – long a source of anger and frustration for the plucky Planning Commissioners.

You can’t leave it in the front yard, period. It must be in working condition (hint: putting it up on cinder blocks might be a giveaway). This might also be targeted at the old Army ambulance at Dave’s Coffee – long a source of anger and frustration for the plucky Planning Commissioners.
One new and special feature in this ordinance: you can only
have two pieces of “major recreation equipment” on your property so if you have
a pick-up camper, boat and a boat trailer, you are one item over the line, unless
they cut you some slack and count the boat and trailer as one.
§ 218-61 If you have a
business, you will need to show how you will handle off-street loading and
unloading in your building plans. There’s a funny glitch in the draft where it
talks about added restrictions if the loading area is next to a residential
area. You’re supposed to look for these added restrictions in some other
document except all it says is “Error! Reference source not found., Error!
Reference source not found.” I
thought that was an interesting and appropriate way for the proposed ordinance
to end, though they will probably fix this glitch as soon as they read this article.
Beth Richardson spoke against this ordinance at the September 9 Council
meeting, she commented on several of the provisions of this ordinance and
called them micro-managing, but more than that, an expression by the town that
it has no respect for anyone’s basic common sense or even their self-interest.
it is certainly possible for a local business here or there to do something
crude and obnoxious, the Planning Commission approach is to try to impose its
will on every tiny detail on every business, and in some parts of this
ordinance, on every household in town.
don’t share Beth’s Libertarian beliefs, but ordinances like this, and its
companion Ordinance 359 on Shrubbery, are terrible ways to build a community.
When I was in grade school with the Sisters of St. Joseph at Sacred Heart
School in Pawtucket, I hated the way the nuns would punish an entire class for
the sins of one pupil. Here we have the logical extension of that principle of
collective guilt.