Saturday, September 21, 2013

Yo, dude!

An Open Letter to The Youth of America
From the GREAT STATE OF MAINE…by Bill in Portland Maine in Daily Kos

Dear The Youth,

Hey! Sup! Got a minute? Right---of course you don't. Well, we're the adults here so put the skateboard down, take your earbuds out, siddown and pay attention.

You may have noticed that the country you live in has turned into a bit of a mess. Not to put too fine a point on it, dudes and dudettes, but our government is frozen in carbonite, people are still losing their homes and selling their bling to get by, the planet's baking, we can't stop shooting each other, and nobody knows how to get anything done. To put it another way: we're running this place with all the finesse of your grandparents twerking on a tightrope while holding a beaker of nitroglycerin in each hand.

But here's the good news: your mission in life will be to clean up our mess!

I know what you're saying. "Hey, we didn't crap out this shit. Why do we gotta clean it up?!" First, watch your language. Second, we planned it. Let us explain.

You see, in order to build character and resilience and valuable "life skills," we must tear you down and then give you the freedom to build yourselves up. That means breaking your spirit, paying you peanuts for your efforts, ignoring your concerns about stuff, and leaving this place worse than we found it. But when the time is right, we'll turn the wheel over to you (or, more accurately, you'll desperately grab the wheel from us) so you can fix everything! It's called "tough love," and we're doing it because we care. Quit slouching.

Now, we're not quite done fracking the creamy filling from your spongecake world yet. That will take a little more time. So keep on texting and whatnot for now, but be ready to take over when we give you the signal. The signal, by the way, will probably look like a bunch of grownups jumping off of bridges. Yes, you can help yourself to any beer you find in their refrigerators. We call dibs on the rum and vodka.

We know this must all seem supremely weird and inconvenient, but it's for your own good. If we don't trash the most powerful---some say "exceptional"---country on earth and reduce it to roving bands of shiny-object chasers, you'll spend your lives all healthy, prosperous and happy, and what fun is that?! Trust'll thank us later for giving you this amazing opportunity to dig yourselves out of our hole.

Peace. Word. Get a haircut.

---The Adults Currently In Charge Of Things

P.S. We'll give you a head start with a free tip: invent a tree that sprouts "money fruit." We know you can do it!

P.P.S. Go Pats!!!