Thursday, October 31, 2013
Astronomy Picture of the Day
A Spectre in the Eastern
Continue reading for a description of this beautiful nebula
Forget about pumpkin chucking
A Green Halloween Starts with a Green Pumpkin
From: Robin Blackstone, ENN
Pumpkins are a huge part of the Halloween experience. We exhume the contents of our pumpkins and carve spirited faces into their walls for delightfully festive jack-o-lanterns.
But what we do with the insides and the actual jack-o-lantern at the end of the season is often tragically wasteful. More often than not we toss our pumpkin guts, seeds and later on the actual jack-o-lantern into our household trash causing a huge volume increase in our household waste.
With a little forethought though, a pumpkin can be much more beneficial to our environment and our tummies. Below are some suggestions for what to do with your pumpkin—all of it—both before and after Halloween.
Child Labor Shouldn’t Haunt Halloween
Even if the kids in my neighborhood think my fair trade
chocolate is a bit weird, at least I'm not handing out dental floss.
Friends and colleagues
expect me to have something to say about Halloween. But how can anyone condemn
an innocent day of costumes and candy that brings joy to so many children?
As a kid, I was no
health nut. I’ve always had a sweet tooth. My first word was “cookie.” But my
parents did their best to restrict the sweets in our house. Halloween
represented the one glorious day a year of unfettered access to gobs of candy.
This Truce May Not Bring Peace to Washington
The tea party faithful are already beating their war drums.
By Donald Kaul
And House Speaker John
Boehner’s face when he would come out during the 16-day-long government
shutdown and accuse President Barack Obama of being uncooperative? Priceless.
The Ohio Republican is the greatest deadpan comedian we've had since Buster
VIDEO Halloween Special: The Lizard People from Agenda 21 are coming to take your guns and make you gay on orders from Nazi, Muslim Anti-Christ Obama
Top 10 Scary Stories The Right Uses To
Terrify Its Base - with VIDEO!
Scary stories aren’t just for Halloween. Here are the top 10 tales – and videos – the right wing promotes to strike fear in their base all year long. GOP House of Horrors meme from Politics with Jarred and Dave‘s Facebook page. |
people start accepting these ideas as real, Fox, Rush, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck,
Alex Jones and other right wing conspiracy pushers are simply there to update
the plot lines, explaining how the daily news fits into the “bigger picture.”
is a great motivator. If you can control a group of people with fear, not only
can you motivate them to vote against their own best interests, you can
regularly encourage them to do things that would normally be against their
better judgment.
For those of us on the outside of the bubble looking in, we realize that the fact that people get sucked into these conspiracy theories, is the scariest part of these scary stories.
For those of us on the outside of the bubble looking in, we realize that the fact that people get sucked into these conspiracy theories, is the scariest part of these scary stories.
this piece, I took the liberty of assembling some of what I consider to be the
scarier of the right-wing horror flicks. Additionally, I've given each one a
“scary stories” rating, based on factors like special effects, plot, dialogue
and use of background music. This list is by no means comprehensive.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Local farming gets a boost
awarded in Farm Viability grants
The funds are from the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Specialty Crop Block Grant program. Specialty crops are defined by this federally-supported program as fruits and vegetables, dried fruit, tree nuts, and nursery crops including floriculture and turf grass production.
"We're pleased to award these grants for projects that will help strengthen markets for specialty crops, sustain the livelihood of Rhode Island farmers, and promote the long-term viability of agriculture in our state," said DEM Director Janet Coit.
The farm viability grants will be used for a wide range of purposes, such as increasing purchase of specialty crops by local schools, creating African vegetable markets in select stores in African and Latino neighborhoods, and supporting agricultural research at the University of Rhode Island.
DEM's Division of Agriculture and Resources Marketing received 11 applications for the grants. Following is a list of projects awarded funding through the grant round:
Send condolences to Dan Slattery, John Goodman
By Samuel G. Howard - in Rhode Island's Future. See more at:
Two of them in Charlestown - Dan Slattery and John Goodman - are also CCA Party stalwarts |
Break out the dirges, Ken Block put the nails in his own political coffin with the announcement he would become a Republican and run in that party’s primary for governor.
Block has been saying
for months that he would only seek the office of governor if he saw a clear
path to victory. That path for victory did not lie in the political party he’d
spent the last half-decade building and advocating for. This does two things.
First, for everyone who ever accused Block of being a Republican in sheep’s clothing, it confirms that their suspicions were reality.
Second, it makes it appear that Block is less dedicated to his causes and more dedicated to himself. Switching affiliations from Moderate to Republican doesn't further the causes Block has championed. It only furthers his own career.
First, for everyone who ever accused Block of being a Republican in sheep’s clothing, it confirms that their suspicions were reality.
Second, it makes it appear that Block is less dedicated to his causes and more dedicated to himself. Switching affiliations from Moderate to Republican doesn't further the causes Block has championed. It only furthers his own career.
Republicans should no
doubt be both happy and annoyed about this latest shape-shifter in Rhode
Island’s political landscape. They should be happy because it removes Block as
their personal gadfly; GOP partisans have long suggested Block’s candidacy is
what prevented a Gov. John Robitaille from being inaugurated in 2011. Now, come
September 2014, Block will either be their standard-bearer or defeated. The
smart money is on the latter.
DEM offers free pesticide disposal for farms and businesses
Agricultural Community Can Dispose of Obsolete Pesticides at Three
Collection Events to be held in November
Among the products eligible for the take-back are those that are no
longer able to be used for their intended purposes because they may have become
caked, frozen or dried out, along with unregistered and banned pesticides.
Charlestown short takes
- Gov notes
- Mulch from above?
- Kittens doing well
- Fight, fight!
- Energy Note – winter heating prices; green energy; Tina Jackson fail; greasy energy
- Hats for birds
Town Gov: The November
Town Council meeting will be on Tuesday, November 12, bumped one day because of
the Veterans’ Day holiday….The town now offers you a way to get e-mails
notifying you of proposed changes to the town’s ordinances that affect zoning
and businesses. Click here to sign up for
This new e-mail message system is in partial atonement for the Council and Planning Commission getting publicly hammered for trying – again – to slip two more ordinances through that will hurt local businesses. One regulates mulch and shrubs. The other regulates parking. Click here and here to read about these two terrible ordinances…Incidentally, these two ordinances have been postponed for consideration until the December Town Council meeting. Planning Commissar Ruth Platner is counting on town residents’ notoriously short attention spans.
This new e-mail message system is in partial atonement for the Council and Planning Commission getting publicly hammered for trying – again – to slip two more ordinances through that will hurt local businesses. One regulates mulch and shrubs. The other regulates parking. Click here and here to read about these two terrible ordinances…Incidentally, these two ordinances have been postponed for consideration until the December Town Council meeting. Planning Commissar Ruth Platner is counting on town residents’ notoriously short attention spans.
Can you apply
mulch from a helicopter?
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Jack-o-Lanterns Illuminate the Luxury in Our Lives
Did you ever consider yourself lucky because you can carve a
pumpkin instead of eating it?
Every time I see a
jack-o-lantern, I remember a conversation with my friend Kate Chumo. I met her
in her home country of Kenya. We were talking about a favorite Kenyan food
called uji, a fermented millet porridge.
“Do you know what we
do with millet in the U.S.?” I asked. “We sell it as bird seed and feed it to
“That reminds me of
what you do with pumpkins at Halloween,” she replied.
Women wanted to help build affordable housing
Women Constructing Hope Home Goes Vertical
Over 60 strong, women ranging in age from
their late teens into their seventies, measured, cut, nailed and hoisted
the first floor walls on the Women Constructing Hope home this past weekend.
The home, located in Old
North Village in Kingston will be built primarily by a crew of women
Lt. Gov. Elizabeth Roberts and former
president and general manager of WJAR-TV Lisa Churchville, honorary
co-chairs of the event, were on hand Saturday to help with our Women Constructing Hope weekend
build on October 19 and 20.
One year after Sandy: Naming the Names behind Extreme Weather
How about making scientifically challenged politicians
accountable for their inaction on climate change?
Environmental groups
tend to be a bit grim-faced. That’s understandable since they’re constantly
confronting industrial uglies that range somewhere between awful and
So it’s a treat when
one of them turns impishly playful, as a group of climate change activists
called 350 Action recently did.
In an act of “serious
fun,” this bunch has launched an online petition calling on the World
Meteorology Organization to change the way it names hurricanes.
One year later: what have we learned?
Continues to Stir Action on Climate Change
News staff
As we arrive at the Oct. 29
anniversary of Hurricane Sandy approaches, so are efforts to get the public to
confront the impacts of climate change on Rhode Island and Narragansett Bay.
A slew of efforts from
state agencies, universities and environmental groups are drawing attention to
threatened natural resources and what can be done to protect them.
Saltwater marshes
Thanks to humans, 53
percent of Rhode Island’s saltwater marshes have disappeared in the past 200
years. Things look even worse for the next hundred. Maps being circulated by
the University of Rhode Island's Sea Grant program show that if sea levels
increases 3-6 feet by 2100, as predicted, most remaining marshes will be
Marshes are critical
to public health and safety. They clean water, reduce storm damage, store
carbon dioxide and are a vital habitat in the overall ecosystem.
What true environmental heroes look like
Louisiana women
environmental heroes honored for putting their lives on the line
new book called “Women
Pioneers,” a twenty-plus year labor of love for author Peggy
Frankland, was just published to herald the work of forty-plus
life-long environmental activists in Louisiana. Nearly all of those still
living were honored at a recent testimonial by the Louisiana
Environmental Action Network (LEAN) in Baton Rouge.
but a tiny handful are women. There were a couple of male ringers included in
Peggy’s book (including me), and nearly all of them were first-time activists
who were motivated to fight against hazardous waste sites, mega-dumps, chemical
plants, oil spills and other horrors that threatened their families and their
Charlestown, where environmentalism seems to be limited to conservation only,
the last time we saw activists like these women was during the fight almost
forty years ago against the Narragansett Electric plan to build a nuclear power
plant at the site of what is now Ninigret Park and National Wildlife Refuge.
Today, leading Charlestown "environmentalists" seem more concerned about mandating the thickness of mulch local businesses put under their shrubbery or prohibiting local working people from parking their work vehicles in their driveways or preventing our firehouses from being built out of brick.
Today, leading Charlestown "environmentalists" seem more concerned about mandating the thickness of mulch local businesses put under their shrubbery or prohibiting local working people from parking their work vehicles in their driveways or preventing our firehouses from being built out of brick.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Things you may have missed
Small print from the shutdown deal
By Brian McFadden
Click here to get those small details that make all the difference.
By Brian McFadden
Click here to get those small details that make all the difference.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
A Massive Star in NGC
NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day
For reasons unknown, NGC
6357 is forming some of the most massive stars ever discovered. One such
massive star, near the center of NGC 6357, is framed below carving
out its own interstellar castle with its energetic light from surrounding gas
and dust.
In the greater nebula, the
intricate patterns are caused by complex interactions between interstellar winds, radiation pressures, magnetic fields,
and gravity.
Near the more obvious Cat's Paw nebula, NGC
6357 houses the open star cluster Pismis 24, home to
many of these tremendously bright and blue stars.
The central part of NGC 6357 shown
spans about 10 light years and lies about 8,000 light years away
toward the constellation of the Scorpion.
Not "just a website"
By Tom Sgouros in Rhode Island’s Future - See more at:
There is a great deal of gnashing of teeth going on about, the Obamacare portal for people who live in a state that refused to create its own exchange. I’m sure that some of the well-reported woes of the web site are deserved, but it seems fairly obvious that a large number of the commenters, and the complainers, have little idea what they are talking about.
I have no direct knowledge of
the software behind,
neither of the team behind it, or the technologies they are using. But I
do have some expertise in web sites, software, and data management, acquired
over 28 years consulting in the software industry at many different companies,
and there are some things that are being said that are just plain wrong.
To begin with, the
health care exchange is not “just” a web site.
South County Narrow River to Benefit From Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Funding
Rhode Island will receive $6
million, part of which will be used to enhancing the Narrow River in South
Kingstown, Narragansett and North Kingstown.
Posted by Lauren
Costa (Editor), in the Narragansett
South Kingstown Patch
The Narrow River, also known as the Pettaquamscutt River, is a narrow tidal inlet that opens into the Atlantic Ocean at Narragansett Beach. Credit: Narrow River Preservation Association |
advance of the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, Secretary of
the Interior Sally Jewell announced on October 24 that $162 million will be invested
in 45 restoration and research projects that will better protect Atlantic Coast
communities from future powerful storms.
The projects will aim to restore
marshes, wetlands and beaches, rebuild shorelines, and research the impacts and
modeling mitigation of storm surges.
The investments are consistent with
President Obama’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force Strategy Report and the
Administration’s commitment laid out in the Climate Action Plan to build
resilience by restoring natural features along shorelines to help better
protect communities from future storms.
A coup by process
Exeter recall election
By Samuel G. Howard in Rhode
Island’s Future - See more at:
![]() |
Save Exeter by supporting the Exeter Four. Click here to find out how. |
Essentially, four town councilors (all Democrats) approved resolution that would've allowed the General Assembly to allow the RI State Police to issue concealed carry permits for guns in Exeter; necessary because Exeter lacks a police force that can run background checks.
The legislation died in committee.
this miffed gun owners, so a bunch of out-of-towners organized a recall
campaign, and voila! They met the 10% threshold required for signatures and the
Democratic town councilors will all face a recall campaign.
Rhode Island Foundation mounts annual hunt for genius innovators
nominate Mike Chambers
I keep looking for opportunities befitting the
Charlestown Citizens Alliance (CCA) Party’s most prolific blogger, Mike
Chambers. Even though he just received a political
appointment from the CCA Party majority on the Town Council to the Zoning Board,
he still seems to have a lot of time on his hands for his writing and intellectual pursuits.
Just over a year ago, I recommended him for an aspiring
writers fellowship, a competition that was sponsored by the Rhode Island
Foundation. It seemed perfect for Mike’s terrific talent at writing political
fiction. But apparently he didn’t follow through on this golden opportunity.
Maybe the amount of the fellowship, $25,000, was too
small to pique Mike’s interest. How about $300,000? That’s the amount being
offered to the two people who win this year’s Innovation Fellowship.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Seven Veggie delight
Photo and text by LISA
It’s time to embrace
soup season, and this beautiful, creamy soup does just that. All the vegetables
blend together perfectly, and I always feel great when I can get not one, not
two, not three but seven major veggies into one dish.
This soup is great with grilled cheese or alongside a creamy mac and cheese dish.
This soup is great with grilled cheese or alongside a creamy mac and cheese dish.
Gun lobby group leaves the state rather than comply with campaign finance disclosure law
By Bob Plain in Rhode Island’s
Future - See more at:
![]() |
That was, he's rolling in his grave |
Off-shore wind is coming
By TIM FAULKNER/ News staff
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell said the government shutdown delayed new permits for offshore wind projects. (Tim Faulkner/ ecoRI News photos) |
PROVIDENCE — There may
not be many wind turbines in the water — just one, so far, in the United States
— but there is certainly an abundance of interest and money going into the
On Oct. 22, the first
day of the two-day Offshore Windpower Conference & Exhibition at
the Convention Center, some 800 attendees and dozens of energy companies from
across the United States and from Scotland, British Columbia, England and China
looked for a share of the funds flowing into proposed projects in the Northeast
and around the country.
In recent years, the
Department of Interior (DOI) has invested $180 million in research and
development for offshore wind. During the past six years, the Department of
Energy has spent $300 million on offshore wind, including $24 million for an
indoor turbine test facility in Charlestown, Mass., and $10 million to the
University of Maine for a floating platform wind system.
In addition to the Rhode
Island offshore wind projects, federal water off Massachusetts, Virginia,
Maryland, New Jersey and Oregon will be auctioned for commercial wind energy
The opening of public
waters and financial incentives to help build the infrastructure needed for
national growth in offshore wind development have sparked renewed interest in
the sector, said the event's keynote speaker, DOI director Sally Jewell.
One resident wants to know if roosters have the right to vote
SK Town Council says no to an animal noise ordinance on for informational purposes due to complaints of Roosters in rural residential areas. (photo Tracey C. O’Neill) |
South Kingstown -Neighbors should be
able to work out their concerns without regulating the cock-a-doodle-do of a
rooster was the message sent by the Town Council on October 15.
The meeting had members and residents up late crowing about
rural Roosters in an information gathering session regarding a proposed
“Rooster ordinance.”
Roosters make noise
On the agenda, due to concerns of residents living in Kingston,
the subject of roosters and chickens filled council chambers and prompted more
than a dozen people, including Sen. Susan
Sosnowski (D-Dist. 37) and Rep. Teresa Tanzi (D-Dist. 34) to take a turn at the
podium to speak on the “fowl” subject of animal noise nuisance. Sosnowski, a
South County farmer, spoke in support of the rural nature of the Town and
thanked residents and council for supporting local agriculture. Sosnowski and
Tanzi, whose family has a small coop, spoke against further regulation of
domestic fowl.
“I’m not clear what we’re even talking about,” said Stephanie
Marisca asking for clarification from the council. “I think all of us here need
to be educated on what we really are talking about tonight. So when you say a
rooster ordinance, that means legislation for roosters. Does that mean that
roosters can vote in town?”
Saturday, October 26, 2013
"You can't wait for someone to ask you"
“I still don’t do my hair or wear makeup,” said Rep. Teresa Tanzi. Above, Tanzi shares a Memorial Day moment with her daughter, Delia. (Photo credit Tracey C. O’Neill 2013) |
On October 16th,
Rhode Island College (RIC) took an alternate path and
hosted a discussion panel featuring local women politicians as part of its Congress to Campus program.
The panel
members were State Senate President M.
Teresa Paiva Weed (D-13),General Treasurer Gina
Raimondo, State Representative Teresa Tanzi (D-34),
and Catherine Taylor who is the Director of the Rhode Island Division of
Elderly Affairs. They were joined by guest Ann Marie Buerkle, a former United
States Representative (R-NY).
“Winter is coming”
wants prep to start now
PROVIDENCE - The Department of Environmental Management is reminding government agencies, municipalities and private businesses to take some time this fall – before the ground is frozen and the first snowflakes appear – to select and prepare potential snow disposal sites.
Finding a place to dispose of collected snow poses a challenge to government agencies and businesses as they clear roads, parking lots, bridges and sidewalks.
However, collected snow that is contaminated with road salt, sand, litter and automotive pollutants can pose threats to the environment and public health.
DEM's Office of Water Resources has developed guidelines to assist state and municipal government agencies and private businesses select, prepare and maintain appropriate disposal sites for snow and ice which is not visibly contaminated with material other than salt and sand from road clearance.
End of Season Mega Sale Tomorrow
By: Laine D in the Narragansett-South Kingstown Patch
Three Out-of-the-Box Ways To Go Green In 2013 & Beyond
by Elizabeth Lambert
Did you know that recycling only one aluminum can is equivalent to running a television for six hours? From recycling at home to making use of public transportation options, many socially responsible Americans have adopted strategies to reduce their overall carbon footprint.
Going green benefits more than just the environment too — you'll save money, help other members of your community, and adopt behaviors to positively influence others. But what else could you be doing to improve the environment around you?
Did you know that recycling only one aluminum can is equivalent to running a television for six hours? From recycling at home to making use of public transportation options, many socially responsible Americans have adopted strategies to reduce their overall carbon footprint.
Going green benefits more than just the environment too — you'll save money, help other members of your community, and adopt behaviors to positively influence others. But what else could you be doing to improve the environment around you?
Is New England's dirtiest power plant REALLY going to close?
News staff
Photo by Alexey Sergeev |
reaction to the announced closure of the Brayton Point Power Station has been
overwhelmingly positive — even New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg praised
the news. Yet, some question
if New England’s largest coal power plant will stick to its plan.
“First, we must ensure
that the plant does in fact close by 2017,” said Craig Altemose, executive
director of Better Future Project. The Better Future Project was a prominent
organizer in protests this summer.
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