By Charles Townsend, TMZ Special
Assignment Correspondent

Never underestimate the
resourcefulness of a boatload of retired career bureaucrats to redirect deep rivers
of taxpayer cash to steer their sinking ship away from the treacherous cliffs
of Accountability Bluff to the quasi-religious tranquility of Areglado Sound.
So Embedded Redux it was for this
reporter as I bought my way into the pseudo-upscale October 19 Saturday Night
Members-Only Gala, dubbed “Illwindapalooza” by Charlietown’s own lovable podium-mounting
baritone, Slithery Dan Slattery.
Turnout for the event was pegged
at a staggering 17,000 revelers. It is estimated that 16,980 of the party-hardy
hailed from the tri-state area of Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. The
remainder of the guest list (referred to as “leftovers” by out-of-state
spokesperson/rapper Stale Hairy Fresh) was composed of pseudo-native residents
living in the Partridge Run-Woodcock Trail-East Quail Triangle.
Planning Commission member and
quasi-professional ornithologist Peter Herstein recorded sightings of 8,748 grayling waddler hens, 8,250 pasty
vanilla drakes, and a pair of pterodactyls of undetermined gender. (Herstein
admitted later that the “pterodactyls” were actually his own shoes he saw when
he looked through the wrong end of his binoculars.)

Quadrato noted that, unlike the
Seafood Festival, parking was never a problem because the overwhelming majority
of invitees were from out of state and were flown in via private Learjet to
Westerly Airport, then shuttled via RockStar Limo Service to the Partridge Run
home of the Illwindapalooza hosts, Ron and Maureen Areglado.
expenses were fully covered by a $50,000 grant made possible by Abutters
Anonymous, a 501(c)(3) charitable grifting foundation, not to be confused with
a charitable gifting foundation bearing an identical alphanumeric

To induce Chambers to accept the
coaching assignment, Red Sox owner John Henry appointed Donna Chambers as
Official Red Sox Greeter for all fans entering Fenway Park from the Lansdowne
Street entrance. Donna will also be “on call” in case the regular PA system is
disabled by an unforeseen power outage.
A good time was had by all
invitees, while everyone else in town was, well, just simply had.
Embedded with the Illwind
Coalition, and until next time, I am Charles Townsend - and you’re not.