A Green Halloween Starts with a Green Pumpkin
From: Robin Blackstone, ENN
Pumpkins are a huge part of the Halloween experience. We exhume the contents of our pumpkins and carve spirited faces into their walls for delightfully festive jack-o-lanterns.
But what we do with the insides and the actual jack-o-lantern at the end of the season is often tragically wasteful. More often than not we toss our pumpkin guts, seeds and later on the actual jack-o-lantern into our household trash causing a huge volume increase in our household waste.
With a little forethought though, a pumpkin can be much more beneficial to our environment and our tummies. Below are some suggestions for what to do with your pumpkin—all of it—both before and after Halloween.
Use the pumpkin gooiest parts in your kitchen right away. Start by separating out the seeds. Roasting the seeds is very easy. There are many different spice combinations to appeal to different palettes. Simple instructions are as follows:
Another suggestion for using up your seeds is to make a pumpkin seed brittle.
Pureeing the gooie
innards makes for a delicious pumpkin soup or risotto.
Baked or boiled pumpkins can be mashed for butters, pies, breads and other baked goods or just mixed with maple syrup or brown sugar for a seasonal side dish.
Baked or boiled pumpkins can be mashed for butters, pies, breads and other baked goods or just mixed with maple syrup or brown sugar for a seasonal side dish.
Other uses for your
pumpkin after you have carved it include spreading the seeds for birds,
squirrels and wildlife or adding the pumpkin guts and jack-o-lantern to the
compost pile where they can decompose and add nutrients to your garden for next
The key is to think
before you toss. Keep all parts of the pumpkin out of the landfill.
See more recipe ideas at Gothamist.