Making the Most Out of Fallen Leaves
Most importantly the leaves on trees are beginning to change colors. Trees that were once ordinary in look are now bright yellows and reds.
I am lucky enough to have a maple tree right outside my bedroom window that within a few days will be a brilliant red normally unseen in nature.
Unfortunately this sight quickly turns to mirage when the leaves outstay the trees welcome and blanket the ground. We are then stuck with the conundrum of what to do with the trees unwanted counterparts. Though the sound of leaves crunching under footsteps is beautiful in its own right eventually one feels the need to make a decision on what to do with them.
Below I have compiled a
list of suggestions for leaf management:
1. Know Your Local Laws
Relating to Yard Waste Disposal
Depending on where you
live disposal rules vary. Many municipalities have separate collection for leaf
litter and other landscape wastes. In some places that have separate programs
for the collection of litter, like the state of Minnesota, it is illegal to mix
yard waste with trash waste and you can get fined for putting your leaf trash
out on the wrong day. Check with your municipality to identify the
natural waste management programs available in your area.
2. Do Not Burn Your Leaf
Not only is leaf burning
illegal in states like New York, it can also be unhealthy and bad for the
3. Keep Your Sidewalks
Even if you are not
ready to manage your whole yard it is important to try and keep your sidewalks
clean. When wet leaves can be very slippery and may serve as a fall risk.
4. Use Leaves as Mulch
Instead of raking and
packaging your leaves for the trash or your local leaf management program reuse
your leaves to spruce up your own lawn and garden for the
spring. If you only have
light leaf fall the leaves can be mowed and left in place. Leaves contain
50-80% of the nutrients a plant extracts from the soil making them a great
You can also use the
leaves as mulch in your garden and flower beds. Shredded leaves can be used as
a mulch covering or can be mixed into soil.
5. Add Leaves to Your
can also be added to your compost pile. Large piles of leaves can take a while to
decompose so it is important to shred them first. If you do not have a compost
pile already there are many videos and sites with simple instructions to starting one.
6. Get Crafty
Take a trip back to
elementary school and make some fall inspired craft projects. Whether you make a wreath out of leaves or use
them in a collage the options are as limitless as the leaves available in your