Friday, October 25, 2013

VIDEO: Hubble the Harbor Seal gets released from Blue Shutters Beach

Mystic Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue program does it again
By Will Collette with material from Mystic Aquarium and tech help from Tom Ferrio

Sorry about not giving you a head's up on this morning's release of "Hubble," a harbor seal who was rescued as an abandoned, approximately 2-week old pup in Wells, Maine.

"Hubble" received his first round of treatments at the University of New England in Biddleford, ME before being transferred to Mystic to complete his rehab.

Once his health problems were resolved and he was fit to be released, the folks at Mystic brought him to Charlestown where they do most of their releases.

The fine photo of Hubble to the left, as well as the video below come to you courtesy of the Mystic Aquarium. I've straightened out arrangements with them to get advance notice of future releases which, of course, we'll pass on to you.

Video below: