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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gun-totin’ bullies

Armed Gunmen Preparing – From Moms Demand Action.
On November 9, 2013, four women from the group Moms Demand Action met inside the Blue Mesa Grill, in Arlington, Texas. 

A few minutes later a crowd of gunmen converged in the parking lot, brandishing assault rifles.

“This is like Deliverance,” one patron said to a Moms Demand Action organizer.

Moms Demand Action Texas members took photos of the gunmen, who terrified patrons of the restaurant and passersby.

Terrorists Looking Proud Of Themselves
 – Photo from 
Moms Demand Action.
According to Moms Demand Action Texas, the four women had invited a fifth person to attend their meeting. Instead of attending the meeting, however, the person showed up in the parking lot, with an assault rifle, some small children and this group of armed thugs.

Apparently these assholes think that the second amendment gives them the right to do whatever they want with their guns.

In their minds the second amendment was put in place to allow them to bully, frighten and intimidate other people, who are also exercising their right to assemble and their right to free speech.

The people in these pictures are the reason we need sane gun legislation in this country. It should not be legal for men with guns to gather outside a public building, with the intent of intimidating four mothers, from a citizen’s group like Moms Demand Action.

It should not be legal for children to be present at a scene like this. Contrary to the propaganda, scenes like these often result in people being accidentally injured or killed. 

Consider that in January of 2013, five people were accidentally shot at gun safety rallies, in a single day.

Let’s all show our support for the brave women in Moms Demand Action.
On a positive note, the Texas Moms Demand Action group has seen an increase in support, since these pictures were posted online.

Right wing bullies should know by now that Moms Demand Action members are not easily intimidated. 

In fact, the Texas group says that since being stalked by these gunmen, they are more determined than ever to stick to their own guns, not backing down from these right wing terrorists who would like nothing better than to see them turn tail and run.

These Texas moms are asking citizens to contact their state representatives in support of sane gun legislation. 

Use this link to find out how to contact lawmakers on behalf of the group. Let’s all show our support for the brave women in Moms Demand Action, who are standing up against these right-wing terrorists.