Thursday, November 14, 2013

Might be time to just let them go

Ron Paul gave quite the speech on November 4. In it, he called for nullification of the federal government. He also subtly  flat-out stated that we would have to resort to the Second Amendment to stop Obama’s “tyranny.” Remember the good old days when Republicans didn’t threaten violent revolution every couple of days?

In his short but rambling speech, Ron Paul fed secessionist red meat to the eager and clueless crowd:
I’ve been working on the assumption that nullification is going to come. It’s going to be a de facto nullification if it’s not legalized. Because pretty soon things are going to get so bad that we’re just going to ignore the feds and run our own lives and our own states.

Ron Paul Ah. Let’s just ignore the federal government, because what could possibly go wrong there? It’s not like conservative states would immediately move to disenfranchise millions of minority voters or strip away women’s reproductive rights or anything, right, Ron Paul? Right?!

Click here to see Ten Things we would lose if Texas seceded from the United States.

At least, they’d ignore “the feds” right up until they need federal money to pay for all the government services conservatives claim to loathe so much. And when a natural disaster strikes? “President Obama? All those states that seceded are on line one begging for help.”

But Ron Paul is just talking about nullification, right? He wasn’t saying people should take up arms against their legally elected government, was he?

You don’t listen to Ron Paul much, do you?

Can’t spell Tea Party without G U N S.

Ron Paul did indeed end on a call for people to get ready to get their guns to fight the evil gub’mint:

The Second Amendment was there, and they [the Founders] explicitly said, you know, when you have an overly intrusive government and when tyranny comesthen that is a problem…but believe me, the McAuliffes and the Obamas of the world will come and they undermine our liberties. They’ve been doing it and it’s going to take strong people to stand up and say “enough is enough we don’t want anymore overbearing government!”

Got that? Obama and this Terry McAuliffe fellow are coming to take away your freedoms! Probably by ensuring you have decent medical insurance. Tyranny! They might even allow Negroes to vote in fair elections. More tyranny!

The importance of the state is very very important. –Ron Paul

If I were a cynical person, I would say that Ron Paul set out to give such a ridiculous, bizarre rant in order to provide some cover for his son. Rand Paul, of course, is currently flailing about in his own controversy concerning plagiarism. 

Said controversy made worse by his refusal to take personal responsibility. Also, something about duels? And Rachel Maddow? I don’t know, the whole thing is just as sad as Ron Paul yapping about taking on the government over the dreaded Obamacare.

Whatever the reason, Ron Paul is just the latest in a long line of right wingers pushing the idea that of a second Civil War. Because to the right, temper tantrums are the order of the day. It’s easier to whine bout how unfair the world than it is to govern like an adult.