In case you missed it...Tuesday, not Monday, due to Veterans Day. That's tonight.
By Will Collette
Although the official agenda looks to be very long, the bulk of it will be disposed of quickly as “consent agenda” items – matters that are supposed to be non-controversial. The Consent Agenda, loaded up with actions on license applications, is voted on by the Councilors as a bloc without debate or discussion.
There is one potentially explosive item on this
month’s agenda. That’s Town Council Boss Tom Gentz’ (CCA Party) plan to create
another one of those hybrid committees that can be loaded up with Gentz and CCA Party supporters to avoid having to listen to the Conservation Commission or the
Parks and Recreation Commission. Even Planning is limited to one seat which
will, I predict, be filled by Planning Commissar Ruth Platner, Gentz’s
co-conspirator on this latest scam.
At issue is the future of the Town’s latest $2.1 million land acquisition, the 75 acres that had been proposed as the
site for the Whalerock wind farm. Boss Gentz wants a new super committee that
will be dominated by Council picks for the purpose of pushing Gentz’s plan to
give this land away to a non-governmental entity, similar to last year’s Y-Gate scandal.
Also on the agenda is an item to discuss giving
the land a new name. I wasn’t aware it had a name, although I think most town
residents identify it with Whalerock. Apparently that’s now a dirty word. So,
what’s the alternative? How about Hill Wind? Or Ronnyland? Or if we want
more upscale monikers, how about Areglado
Heights or Areglado Hills? Mount Saint Ron?
Here’s the Tuesday agenda, in the actual order
of business. I have added my snarky and gratuitous comments in bold
1. CALL TO ORDER, Moment of
Silence, Pledge of Allegiance
Motion to move items 10a,
10b, 10c, 12, 18a, 18i, 8a and 8b to be heard next on the agenda
a. Public
hearing and potential action on the following applications for beverage
STORE, INC. d/b/a “Charlestown Wine & Spirits”, to apply
to premises located at 4625 Old Post Road – Class A. Designated
premises: building only; daily November 1 through May 31 from 7:00 am to 10:00
pm, June 1 through October 31 from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm, and until 11:00 pm on
eve of legal holiday or on Saturday eve where a legal holiday falls on Monday
SERRA, RICHARD C. d/b/a “Rippy’s Liquor
& Marketplace”, to apply to premises located at 4158 South County Trail–
Class A. Designated premises: building only; daily from 7:00 am to 10:00
INC. d/b/a “The Cove”, to apply to premises located
at 3963 Old Post Road – Class BV Full. Designated premises: restaurant and deck
only; daily from 11:30 am to 1:00 am
Restaurant”, to apply to premises located at 5310 Old Post Road– Class BV Full.
Designated premises: restaurant and deck, special wedding area (adjacent to
water), clambake house, adjacent to cottage #130, dockside building, and
enclosed pool area; daily from 7:30 am to 11:00 pm
MGMR GROUP, INC. d/b/a/ “Meadow Brook
Inn”, to apply to premises located at 168 Carolina Back Road– Class BV Full.
Designated premises: restaurant and formal garden area only; daily from 10:00 am to
12:00 am
NORDIC LODGE, INC. d/b/a/ “Nordic Lodge”,
to apply to premises located at 178 East Pasquisett Trail – Class BV
Full. Designated premises: restaurant and area between rear of restaurant
and pond; Friday from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Saturday from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm,
and Sunday from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm
OLD WILCOX TAVERN, INC. d/b/a/ “Wilcox Tavern”,
to apply to premises located at 5153 Old Post Road– Class BV Full. Designated
premises: restaurant and patio area only; daily from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
MARR, CRAIG T. d/b/a “The Breachway Grill
LLC”, to apply to premises located at 1 Charlestown Beach Road – Class BV Full.
Designated premises: Indoor Restaurant Space and Outdoor Patio Space only; daily
from 11:30 am to 12:50 am
C & E PIZZA, INC. d/b/a “Famous Pizza”, to
apply to premises located at 3986 Old Post Road – Class BV Limited. Designated
premises: restaurant only; daily from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
FIGARSKY, COURTNEY d/b/a “The Gentleman
Farmer”, to apply to premises located at 4349 South County Trail – Class BV
Limited. Designated premises: restaurant and deck/patio only; daily from
6:00 am to 8:00 pm
G.J.S.I., INC, d/b/a “General Joseph
Stanton Inn” to apply to premises located at 4115 Old Post Road – Class BV
Tavern. Designated premises: patio area abutting tavern enclosed by tarmac
and stone wall, snack bar and patio area in front of the snack bar/house and
lawn abutting the Inn towards the northeast, with no service easterly from
tarmac and rear of snack bar to US Route 1; daily from 6:00 am to 1:00 am
BUILDING ASSOCIATION to apply to premises located at 20 Whipple Drive
– Class D Club. Designated premises: club building, picnic area and horseshoe
pit area only; daily from 9:00 am to 1:00 am
TAVERN, INC. d/b/a “Charlestown Rathskeller Tavern” to
apply to premises located at 489A Old Coach Road - Class BV Full. Designated
premises: The main restaurant building and patio adjacent to the tavern
entrance on the east side, including the small deck, bocce court and horseshoe
court areas; from the southeast corner of the restaurant, to include the spring
house, the sauna area and fire pit; the grounds located southwest of the main
entrance (west side) to approximately two hundred (200’) feet south of the
employee parking lot; the open porch and deck on the west side of the
restaurant; and from the north side of the restaurant up to the stone wall
located approximately ten (10) feet from Old Coach Road. Hours of
operation: Monday through Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. and Saturdays,
Sundays and holidays 7:00 am to 1:00 am
b. Discussion
and potential action to set the following cap on beverage licenses within the
Town of Charlestown: Class A: 2; Class B Full: 7; Class B Limited: 2; Class B
Tavern: 1; Class D:1
c. Discussion
and potential action regarding a request from the Charlestown Willows for their
annual closure on September 16, 2013 and reopening on May 24, 2014
All items marked with
“CA” are to be considered consent agenda
Motion to accept,
approve and place on file the following as the consent agenda: 11a, 11b,
11c, 11d, 13a, 13b, 16a, 16b, 17a, 17b, 17c, 17d, 17e, 17f, 18b, 18c, 18d, 18e,
18f, 18g, 18h. NOTE:
these are supposed to be non-controversial items that are voted on as a bloc
without discussion or debate. In my opinion, there are at least a couple of
items that are NOT non-controversial. Councilors can pull items from the list
for separate discussion, debate and a vote. Usually, it’s Councilors Dan
Slattery (CCA Party) or Lisa DiBello that do that.
11. LICENSES AND PERMITS (I did not insert the links to all these businesses - go to Clerkbase to view the paperwork)
“CA” a. Discussion and potential action
regarding the applications received for General Entertainment Licenses for
the following Beverage License Holders.
1. Birdmar Enterprizes Inc.
d/b/a “The Cove” – Hours of Indoor Entertainment: Monday-Sunday, 7:00 p.m. to
1:00 a.m. Outdoor: Friday-Saturday, 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight;
Sunday-Thursday until 10:00 p.m.
2. Charlestown Willows Inc.
d/b/a “Foster Pier Restaurant” – Hours of Entertainment: No later than 11:00
3. MGMR Group Inc. d/b/a/
“Meadow Brook Inn” – Hours of General Indoor/Outdoor Entertainment:
Monday-Sunday ll:00 am to 12:00 midnight.
4. Old Wilcox Tavern, Inc.
d/b/a “Wilcox Tavern” – Hours of Entertainment: Saturdays, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
5. Marr, Craig T. d/b/a “The Breachway Grill
LLC” – Hours of Entertainment: Daily, 6:30 pm to 11:00 pm
6. G.J.S.I, INC., d/b/a
“General Joseph Stanton Inn” – Hours of Indoor Entertainment: Daily, 8:00 pm to
11:00 pm.
7. Downey Weaver Post Bldg
Assoc. d/b/a “Downey Weaver Post No. 34 American Legion” – Hours of
Entertainment: varies due to the functions but will start no earlier
than noon and end 12:00 midnight.
8. Charlestown Rathskeller Tavern
Inc. d/b/a “Charlestown Rathskeller Tavern” – Hours of Entertainment: Daily,
12:00 pm to12:00 am.
“CA” b. Discussion and potential action
regarding the approval of General Entertainment Licenses for the following
1. Johnny Angels Clam Shack - Saturday through Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
and Tuesday through Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2. SmallAxe Café – Sundays from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to
8:00 p.m.
“CA” c. Discussion and potential
action regarding the approval of a retail firearms dealer’s license for the following businesses, subject to
receipt of all required Local approvals and State and Federal licenses:
1. Top Guns, 10 Crossland St.,
Unit #5, Charlestown
2. O.T.S. Services LLC/Free Man’s Firearms, 557 Kings Factory Rd, Charlestown
3. Wright’s Pistol Smithing, 111 Hilltop Dr, Charlestown - Read the paperwork on this one, which has apparently been operating without a permit and in a residential neighborhood for years.
Three new gun shops - just what Charlestown needed for economic development.
d. Discussion and potential action regarding the approval of the following
events at Ninigret Park with a recommendation from the Parks and
Recreation Commission, subject to review of contracts by the Town Solicitor,
receipt of all applicable paperwork and insurance and that all event details
are satisfactorily met by the Parks and Recreation Director:
1. Event: 2014 Harvest Festival
Park Reservation: September 20, 2014
Camping: None
Insurance: Not Required
Fee: Waived
2. Event: 30th Annual Seafood Festival
Park Reservation: July 27 – August 6, 2014
Camping: 200 max campers (RV’s)
Insurance: $2 million general liability; $2 million liquor
liability; $5 million amusement liability; $5 million pyrotechnics
Fee: $9,000.00
3. Event: 2014 Sea Star Marketplace
Park Reservation: July 25 - 27, 2014
Camping: None
Insurance: $2 million general liability
Fee: Waived
b. Reports:
Building Official –
October 2013 ($2.7 million in construction last month, $1.2 million of it for new construction); Police Chief – September, October 2013; Public Works Director –
September, October 2013 - Note catch-up reports from the Chief and from DPW for September; Town Clerk – October 2013 - Foreclosures way down from last year; deaths out-number births 47 to 33; Treasurer – September 2013
a. Discussion and potential action regarding the communications between Alan
Arsenault, Director of Public Works and Abbishek Acharya, P.E.,
Transportation Engineer of Green International Affiliates, Inc. containing
information relative to 1R Highway Improvements to US Route 1 in Charlestown. The preliminaries to the design of some upcoming Route One construction work.
b. Discussion and potential action regarding the memo from Matthew J. Dowling, WastewaterManager and Stephen J. McCandless, GIS Coordinator regarding a potential
US Department of Interior Hurricane Sandy Mitigation Grant Opportunity to
be submitted in conjunction with the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management
Council Some advance work for a potential grant application for more disaster relief funding in the pipeline.
a. Discussion and potential action regarding the appointment of Joseph Warner as Floodplain Manager NOTE: well-deserved and a good idea.
b. Discussion and potential action regarding the reappointment of Faith LaBossiere and
Sean White to the Affordable Housing Commission, terms to expire in September
of 2015
c. Discussion and potential action regarding the acceptance with regret of
the resignation of Teresa Rose from the Parks and Recreation Commission
d. Discussion and potential action regarding the appointment of John Donoghue to
the Senior Citizens Commission, with a recommendation from the Commission
Chair, term to expire in January of 2015 NOTE: Jack Donoghue is the hero of Y-Gate. His well-timed lawsuit tied up the CCA Party “Y-Gate” plan
allowing time for community opposition to kill that terrible idea.
e. Discussion and potential action regarding a request from the Town Clerk
that Tara Welinsky be allowed to continue in her capacity as Interim
Deputy Town Clerk until such time that the Deputy on medical leave returns to
work full time.
f. Discussion and potential action regarding the reappointment of Frank Glista to
the Economic Improvement Commission, term to expire in September of 2016 NOTE: I guess Frank’s nemesis, Council Boss Tom
Gentz, decided there was no percentage in trying to block Frank’s
b. Discussion and potential action regarding the authorization of the Town
Administrator to extend vending contracts to the year 2014, through the season
ending after Labor Day in September at the close of beach season in Charlestown
as follows: Charlestown Town Beach to The Dog Pound in the amount of
$6,006 and Sam Ferretti Blue Shutters Beach to John Martin
d/b/a/ Johnny Angels Clam Shack in amount of $2,000.00
c. Discussion and potential action regarding the award of the bid for the
Animal Shelter Roof Replacement to Pawcatuck Roofing in the amount of
$5,125.00, combining the costs of the base bid and Bid Alternate 2, which will provide
a full ice and water shield base beneath new shingles for better insurance
against leaks, as budgeted from line item 75.000.5100 and authorization of the
Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, each, to take any and all such actions,
and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may
be necessary to carry into effect the foregoing.
Question: there are no
Rhode Island roofing contractors? Pawcatuck Roofing does have the required RI
Commercial Roofers license, HOWEVER, according to the RI Contractors
Registration and Licensing Board, they DO NOT have up to date liability coverage.
Click here. Charlestown’s unemployment rate is 9% and construction workers
comprise one of the largest groups of unemployed. A $5000 project isn’t
going to generate a lot of work, but every little bit helps.
d. Discussion and potential action regarding the award of the bid to purchase
a44 inch Hewlett Packard T2300ps Multifunction Printer Scanner from In-Stock
Design Supply for an amount not to exceed $7,695 as budgeted from line item
01.990.9942 and authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer,
each, to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such
certificates, receipts or other documents as may be necessary to carry into
effect the foregoing
e. Discussion and potential action regarding the 48 month fair market value
lease of two new Konica Minolta color BizHub C454E copiers, for an
estimated cost of $27,228.48, through the State MPA listing #337, the
reassignment of one model Konica Minolta 432 copier to the Senior/Community
Center and one Konica Minolta 432 copier elsewhere in the Town organization or
potential trade-in as requested, as budgeted in line items 510.4970 and
490.4970, and authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, each,
to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates,
receipts or other documents as may be necessary to carry into effect the
f. Discussion and potential action regarding the award of the bid for Ninigret
Park Restroom Renovation to Martone Service Company, Inc., for one
half of the renovation project for an amount not to exceed $25,683.00 as
budgeted from line item 01.990.9941 and authorization of the Town Administrator
and Town Treasurer, each, to take any and all such actions, and execute and
deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be necessary to
carry into effect the foregoing
g. Discussion and potential action regarding the request from the Tax
Assessor for abatements in the amount of $7595.09
h. Discussion and potential action regarding the designation of Huntington
Controls as an exclusive service/sole source vendor and approval of the
replacement of the current HVAC system controller at the Charlestown Police
Station (currently a Tridium R2 Niagara to be replaced with a Tridium AX
Platform) for an amount not to exceed $12,713.00 as budgeted from line item
75.000.5100 and authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer,
each, to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such
certificates, receipts or other documents as may be necessary to carry into
effect the foregoing
a. Discussion
and potential action regarding a resolution rescinding borrowing authorizations for the following projects:
Buckeye Brook Road Reconstruction
FTM Approval 6/13/2005 $594,000.00
Buckeye Brook Road Reconstruction
FTM Approval
6/4/2007 $788,800.00
Old Coach Road
FTM Approval
6/4/2007 $500,000.00
From Charlestown Tax Assessor Ken Swain's web page. Click here. |
i. Discussion
and potential action regarding the approval of the submission of a RIDEM Parks and Recreation Grant application and authorization for the Town Council
President to sign These days, anything involving Parks & Rec usually means a fight.
a. Discussion
and potential action regarding the creation of an Ad Hoc Committee [be sure to read this, especially the letters from the Conservation Commission and former Council Prez Deb Carney] (and
announcement of vacancies, if the Committee is formed) to prepare a management
plan for AP 17, Lot 186 (“Whalerock”), consisting of one member of the
Conservation Commission, one member of the Planning Commission, one member of
the Parks and Recreation Commission, two members from the community at large,
and two members of the Town Council, interested in a conservation easement for
passive recreation and designing trails for “Whalerock”, to be returned to the
Town Council with their recommendations in March 2014 NOTE: This is a slap in the face to the
Conservation and Parks and Recreation Commissions. Plus, it sets up another
scandal like last year’s Y-Gate where Boss Gentz and Planning Commissar Ruth
Platner try to make a major gift of town resources to their friends.
b. Discussion
and potential action regarding the deliberation and finalization of a
Legislative Priority list for Washington County Regional Planning Council
for our Legislators for the Legislative Session beginning January 2014
3. PUBLIC COMMENT for items not
on the Agenda
– None
a. Town
b. Town
c. Commission
c. Discussion
and potential action regarding an amendment to §158-4.1 Friends of
Ninigret Park, Code of the Town of Charlestown
d. Discussion
and potential action regarding renaming the Town’s new open space property
along Route 1 that is currently called “Whalerock” NOTE: How about calling it “Ronnyland” after Ron
e. Discussion
and potential action regarding items to be forwarded to the Superintendent of Chariho Regional
School District for inclusion in the Omnibus meeting agenda, scheduled for
January 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Chariho Career and Technical
f. Discussion
and potential action regarding updating the Town’s website on Home
Foreclosure information to reflect the new RI State Foreclosure Mediation Law NOTE: updating the town website is nice. How about
updating other outdated items, too? Or does each one require a separate Council
discussion and vote? Classic.
![]() |
Click here for more from P.S. Mueller |
h. Discussion
and potential action regarding the nomination of The Charlestown Historical Society for the Hometown Hero Award
a. Board
and Commission vacancies
a. Discussion
and potential action regarding a Resolution Regarding Student Safety and School
Security. It will be interesting to see if the CCA Party Councilors, what with the CCA's famed antipathy toward children, especially Chariho students, will be for or against this.