From: Robin Blackstone, Each year holiday decorations provide opportunities to foster family traditions and foundations for normalcy within our generation. But our decorating traditions should not negatively impact future generations.
While lights, trees, ornaments, wrapping paper and candles are mainstays in the holiday decorating tradition many of them eventually end up in the landfill or in our air as long lasting pollutants. Being aware of what is a potential hazard and what alternatives there may be is important and necessary for future generations.
LED lights are the most energy efficient. Consumers can also purchase lights that uphold the more strict European standards as called for by the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS).
If real is your deal, consider using a balled tree that can be planted outside after the holidays. If you cut your tree, then know that because Christmas trees are grown as crops, they are renewable. Further, once Christmas is over, trees can be used for erosion control or mulch.
Read more at Care2 or Lights, trees, wrapping paper and candles for more information.