The Santa Wars And Fox News’ Assault On Christmas
in Addicting Info
Megyn Kelly wasn’t at all
sympathetic about confusing Santas
But that
didn’t go over well in Fox Land. Discussing the article with three (white)
guests, Kelly said that Harris had “gone off the rails.” And she wasn’t going
to sit still for it:
For all you kids watching at
home, Santa just is white,” Kelly said. “But this
person is just arguing that maybe we should also have a black Santa. But Santa
is what he is. Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean it has
to change, you know? I mean, Jesus was a white man too. He was a historical
figure, that’s a verifiable fact, as is Santa — I just want the kids watching
to know that.”
The tempest begins
when the feces hit the blades. Historians and theologians immediately jumped on
Kelly’s comments with some facts. Santa, first of all, is based largely on St. Nicholas, a Bishop of Myra, in Asia Minor
— which is now Turkey. Now, I’m not sure if you’ve looked at a picture of a
Turk lately, but they are rather swarthy. After all, they live in the Middle
East, where darker skin protects the inhabitants from the fierce desert sun. As for Jesus… pretty
much the same deal. He was a Jew, born in Galilee. They don’t grow blonde,
blue-eyed Nazarenes. And that is a verifiable fact.
Stewart tore into this nonsense on The
Daily Show a couple of days
later. He also brought up these facts, asserting that St. Nick would be on the
no-fly list if he were real. He then moved on to Kelly’s assertion that Jesus
was a white man, “You do know Jesus wasn’t born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania,
Megyn Kelly and the
no-good, very bad excuse
was suspiciously absent from her show on the night following her ill-informed
comments. But she was back on the night after that, with an incredibly lame explanation:
“Well, this would be funny if it
were not so telling about our society. In the particular the knee jerk instinct
by so many to race bait and to assume the worst in people, especially people
employed by the very powerful FOX News Channel… For me, the fact that an
offhand jest I made during a segment about whether Santa should be replaced by
a penguin has now become a national firestorm says two things. Race is still an
incredibly volatile issue in this country and FOX News and yours truly are big
targets for many people… By the way, I also did say Jesus was white as I’ve
learned in the past two days, that is far from settled.”
from settled”? For you, perhaps. But historians, anthropologists and even most
theologians agree that Jesus wasn’t a fair man — at least not physically. He
was a Palestinian Jew: he would have had dark eyes and hair and been somewhat
hirsute. Now, to be fair, every culture who has embraced Christ has depicted
Him as looking like them. Which is completely fine.
As Reza Aslan — author of Zealot: The Life and Times of
Jesus of Nazareth — explained in the Washington Post , Jesus and the Christ are not the
same person: “The Christ can be whatever you want him to be.” Megyn Kelly’s
version of the Christ reallyis white.
But that is not a “verifiable fact,” it is merely her vision of a spiritual
The tempest spreads to a
All of
this wouldn’t be such a bad thing if it had just stayed among the cable
networks and others who have an interest in it. But it has moved out of that
venue. It was raised in a New Mexico school, when a teacher sent a black
student home for dressing up as Santa Claus (the class was told that they could
come to school dressed as Santa, an elf or a reindeer). The teacher, who
remains unidentified, told the student, “Don’t you know Santa Claus is white?
Why are you wearing that?” The boy’s father was, justifiably, angry:
“There’s no room for that in the
classroom,” he said. “Whether
this teacher felt Christopher may have been wearing this out of context,
there’s no room for it. There’s just no room for it. “If he has that attitude,
how is it affecting students, studies, grading habits, trending toward
Caucasian kids?”
teacher has been disciplined and the student moved to another class. A
spokesperson for Cleveland High School said that the teacher felt bad about the
incident and has apologized to the boy and his father. I should hope so. It’s
one thing to hold a vision of Santa for yourself but it’s entirely
inappropriate to shoot down somebody else’s.
Oh, and Bill-O had to get
This, after other Fox talking heads explained why this mattered: Juan Williams and Mary Katharine Ham both criticized Kelly’s remarks, calling them hurtful and unkind. But that didn’t matter to Bill-O. He just talked louder and asserted that the Santa we have now “is fine.” Then he dragged out the victimhood BS again:
don’t think Megyn Kelly meant any harm. I think it was seized upon by our
enemies to try to make us look like a racist enterprise. I think that’s
despicable and I think that is the lead on this story.”
Bill, we don’t need to try.
You do a perfectly good job of looking like a “racist enterprise” all on your
own. Even with your own token talking-heads-of-color, you shout them down and
condescend, just like a good patronizing racist should.
Santa really does belong to all of us
said that her comments were “tongue-in-cheek.” I don’t think that she even
knows what that means. All you have to do is watch the video and you can see
that she isn’t joking. She really wants everything about Christmas to be the
way she sees it and only that way. That’s not very festive of
— and the entire holiday season — is about family. Every family should be free
to celebrate it as they wish, including Megyn’s.
But what she can’t do is tell others that they must
celebrate exactly as she does, that only her way is correct. Make no mistake,
that is what this whole “War on Christmas” is all about. Those who want to make
the rest of us celebrate it exactly as they do are outraged when we refuse. As
far as I’m concerned, their Santa might as well be the Grinch.
Because, even
though he began as a Turkish bishop, Santa Claus has become the symbol of the
spirit of giving. And it is just not right to try to limit that to one color or
race or nationality or religion. Santa belongs to all of us. Aisha Harris’ father had it
right: Santa is every color. Just because that makes Megyn Kelly uncomfortable,
doesn’t mean it has to change.