Slashing government spending now is just going to make our
nation poorer.
One of the biggest
common misunderstandings is that governments are like households, which need to
tighten their spending when times are tough. Actually, governments and
households work in opposite ways.
If we needed a
reminder of that, the recent government shutdown gave us one. Journalists
reported story after story about how business was down, as federal workers were
laid off and national parks closed. The estimates are that even though the shut
down only lasted 16 days, it cost the
economy $24 billion.
We need government
spending and investment to get the entire economy moving forward. When families
are back at work with decent wages, government tax revenues will rise and spending
on social supports will fall. That’s when government can reduce spending
without slowing down the economy.
During the past two years we’ve
reduced the deficit by half, close to 2008 levels. That may sound like it’s a
good thing, but it’s really the biggest reason the economy is so lackluster for
the vast majority of Americans with a near-record-high
in unemployment, stagnant wages, and a smaller proportion of
Americans working than any time in the
past 30 years.
We’ve also cut all the
wrong things: spending that puts money in people’s pockets today and
investments in our economic future. We’ve cut spending on education,
unemployment insurance, environmental protection, and scientific research. Our
public investment, which includes annual government programs and spending on
roads, bridges, transit, research, and development is actually the lowest it’s
been as a share of
the economy in 60 years.
What if we’d taken a
different course during the recession? How about rather than cutting spending
after an initial stimulus, which avoided a second great depression by saving three million
jobs, the government had kept at it?
History shows that
if we have continued the levels of spending normally done after recessions, we
would have spent some $800 billion more than we did, and the overall economy
(and not just the stock market) would be back to the same level today that it
was before the recession hit.
In short, the argument
that the government must live within its means to protect our children’s future
is backwards. Averting deficit spending now means starving our children’s
present and their future. More parents will have to struggle to get by, fewer
good jobs will be created, education will suffer, and today’s college students
will stumble into their careers saddled with huge debt loads.
And our infrastructure
will keep crumbling and research will dwindle, making it harder for our
businesses to compete in the global marketplace.
There are ways we can
reduce the deficit without slowing down the economy very much, if at all. That
is by looking at the other truth about the cry that “we’re broke.” In fact, we have
been robbed.
When Uncle Sam gives
big corporations tax breaks to move jobs overseas, we’ve been robbed. When
Washington taxes billionaires at a lower rate than their secretaries, we’ve
been robbed.
To get the country
moving again, Congress needs to reverse direction and increase spending on
vital services and investment.
That means reversing
the budget cuts on domestic spending already in place and stopping any more
sequestration cuts on vital services for our families. And raising taxes on the
wealthy and huge corporations, which have been gaming the system at our
Instead of obsessing
about the “need” to cut government spending, our leaders should be figuring out
how best to stimulate the economy to provide both a better today and future for
our children.
Kirsch is a senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute and the author of Fighting for Our Health: The Epic
Battle to Make Health Care a Right in the United States. He’s also a
senior adviser to USAction. Distributed via OtherWords.