Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Firefighters and Town Square Off Over Stern’s Decision

One more trip to the state’s highest court may follow

North Kingstown - The Town of North Kingstown responded to Judge Brian P. Stern’s ruling in favor of the town’s firefighters on Tuesday. The judge’s ruling came as no surprise said Daniel Kinder, counsel for the Town in an email to members of the press.

After all, Judge Stern already ruled against the Town in December of 2012.

The Town reasoned that in upholding a State Labor Relations Board (SLRB) Unfair Labor Practices ruling against the town, the judge was simply upholding his own previous “Unring the Bell” decision, subsequently adopted by the Labor Board.

“The court’s decision is no surprise. The Labor Board adopted Judge Stern’s prior decision in its decision.  Now, Judge Stern has upheld that decision, again. The Supreme Court, however, has stayed Judge Stern’s prior decision, and Judge Stern has stayed this decision, pending further consideration by the Supreme Court,” said Daniel K. Kinder. EDITOR'S NOTE: Kinder also serves as Charlestown's lawyer on labor issues.

Liz Dolan, Town Council President concurred with Kinder.

“Decision was fully expected, as was Judge Stern’s stay pending Supreme Court review,” she wrote after Stern’s ruling.

The Judge’s ruling against the Town in December 2012, ordered the Town to restore the fire department structure to that existing prior to its unilateral implementation of wage, shift and platoon structures made on March 4, 2012.

Unilateral changes come at a cost to the town

The restitution, ordered by both the SLRB and Stern carries a “$2.8 million and climbing” price tag according to Raymond Furtado, President IAFF NKFFA Local 1651.

North Kingstown Rep. Doreen Costa (R-Dist31) agreed with the court.

“The Town needs to end this now. They need to listen to the Judge and the State Labor Relations Board. They should have listened to them before. They can’t win this fight and the expense of it is going to be on the backs of the taxpayers,” she said. “Unfortunately, the taxpayers are going to pay for it all.”

The State Labor Relations Board filed Unfair Labor Practices complaints against the Town finding bad faith bargaining on the town’s behalf and ordering every firefighter to be made whole, including all back pay and benefits owed. The changes, made outside the purview of collective bargaining and in opposition to the statutorily constructed Firefighter’s Arbitration Act were deemed unlawful by the court.

The SLRB, after joining the Union and Town in a jurisdictional roller coaster ride through the courts and administrative processes, ruled against the Town. The SLRB decision supported Judge Stern’s Unring the Bell ruling, also ordering a return to shift and platoon structure as known at the end of the 2010-2011 contract.

Union President, Raymond Furtado, in an interview on Sunday evening, responded to the Town’s comments.

“The response from the Town’s attorney following their latest loss in Superior Court is rambling and delusional in nature,” said Union President Raymond Furtado in a statement on Monday. “It is vindictive in tone and is a stark departure from the type of release we’ve seen from Mr. Kinder following the Town’s multiple other losses. Further, it is devoid of fact in nearly all respects. The assertions that we insist on being “paid two-million dollars before we will talk” and that “the experts for both sides agreed that this work schedule is safer” are blatant misrepresentations of fact.”

New Government formed

Kinder’s email further indicated that the Judge’s decision created a new government run by firefighters.

“The decision sets up the fire fighter’s union as a branch of government that can veto the lawful actions of a municipal government, taken to protect all its citizens in time of economic crisis.” ~ Daniel Kinder, Esq. 

The Judge’s decision, said Kinder,  was not only contrary to law, but to the Rhode Island Constitution and Town’s Charter.

The aversion that the firefighters were somehow in control of negotiations, holding veto powers contradicts the actuality of the current situation, the Town’s own implementation of “unilateral changes” and  it’s veto of a signed Tentative Contract Agreement in February 2013.

The court’s decision addressed the Charter arguments at length rendering them “tautological and without merit.”

Perhaps one of the more puzzling statements from Kinder averred that experts for the Town and Union agreed that the “current work schedule in the fire department is safer than the old one was.”

To read the conclusion to Tracey’s article, please click here.