Monday, January 13, 2014

Live-blogging tonight's Town Council meeting

Yes, I'm doing it again
George Tremblay draws inspiration from Kevin Spacey
By Will Collette

Tonight, scheduled to start at 7 PM, is Charlestown's longest-running sitcom. I'll be covering it more or less live (via ClerkBase, assuming it hasn't completely shut down).

If you also want to watch the meeting on ClerkBase, you will need to take special steps since our $20,000 a year system doesn't seem to like most people's internet browsers. Click here for a description of the problem and a temporary fix. I hope Charlestown Tax Assessor Ken Swain, who also serves as town IT person, can get this problem fixed at some point. I'm pleased to report that there has been some progress - you only need to do the fix once on Internet Explorer, not every time as was the case last week.

Click here for my full preview of the meeting.

Among the agenda items to watch:

  • George Tremblay wants to make it more expensive for people to gain access to the Town's public record. I can't be sure, but I think he means Progressive Charlestown is giving him heartburn by releasing documents that he and the other CCA Party leadership would prefer to keep quiet.
  • CCA founder, Steering Committee member and former Town Council candidate Cliff Vanover is up for appointment to the Zoning Board of Review where I'm sure he'll judge every case in that completely unbiased, dispassionate manner for which he is so well known.
  • Town Council Boss Tom Gentz wants to move Charlestown one step closer to DefCon One in its relationships with Chariho School District partners Richmond and Hopkinton.