Get ready for some excitement!
7 PM and nothing yet, which is odd, because the Council added a 6:30 PM public "workshop" to discuss the town's "Hometown Hero Award" practices.
That meeting did not seem to be broadcast. At least, it didn't come up on my computer. Hope it's not yet another ClerkBase glitch. If it is, this is going to be a very short live blog.
It's 7:10 and still no Clerkbase video. Can't believe they're still in the workshop session talking about the Hometown Hero Award. While we're waiting, here's Charlestown's base contract for Clerkbase. With add-ons, we pay about $20,000 a year. We also pay Tax Assessor Ken Swain extra to serve as the town's informational technology guy.
OK, they're up, officially, at 7:13 PM.
In the Executive Session, they evaluated Town Administrator Mark Stankiewicz and found that he's done a great job at doing their bidding. Accordingly, they awarded him a 2% salary increase and increased his monthly travel allowance to $600 a month.
1. CALL TO ORDER, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. The Moment of Silence was, oddly, dedicated to the US Olympic Team. No, none of them died but Council Boss Gentz wants them to do well. I hope so too, and hope this meeting will be short so I can watch something I really enjoy.
Motion to move items 15a, 8a, 7a and 12 to be heard next on the Agenda. Item 18.b. involving Jeff Marchant was also moved up the agenda.
a. Presentation of a Commendation to Ptlm. Christopher Bruso. Well deserved. Congratulations!
a. Presentation of the FY 2013 Audit by Cayer Caccia, LLP and Council discussion and potential action regarding the same. The auditors say there were no serious problems. The town took in $330K more than expenses, which for a budget the size of Charlestown's, is a "break-even" sum. The Transfer Station is losing money - $58,000. The other separate funds are fine.
The auditors noted the town made an early payment of $2.9 million to pay off the USDA loan that was used to build the Police Station, spent $2.1M on the former Whalerock land, issued $2.1M in new bonds and $1M in refunded bonds.
The auditors want Charlestown to "tighten up" its management of federal funds received and to adopt some changes to cash flow management to address CDBG funding that is on a reimbursed basis.
The auditors say the recommended level of surplus funds (fund balance) should be equivalent to two months' operating funds. That comes to $2.9 million but they estimate the current fund balance is $2 million. Councilor Dan Slattery (CCA Party) thinks the surplus is higher than that. Sounds like we're going to get our seventh consecutive tax increase.
Town Treasurer Pat Anderson spoke regarding the Transfer Station, noting that the facility carried a cumulative surplus into the year ($171K) and actually expected to lose money this year because of the use of the facility for storm debris from Nemo and Sandy.
One nice way to cut the deficit would be to boost our recycling revenue - we have been the worst in the state.
The auditors noted the town made an early payment of $2.9 million to pay off the USDA loan that was used to build the Police Station, spent $2.1M on the former Whalerock land, issued $2.1M in new bonds and $1M in refunded bonds.
The auditors want Charlestown to "tighten up" its management of federal funds received and to adopt some changes to cash flow management to address CDBG funding that is on a reimbursed basis.
The auditors say the recommended level of surplus funds (fund balance) should be equivalent to two months' operating funds. That comes to $2.9 million but they estimate the current fund balance is $2 million. Councilor Dan Slattery (CCA Party) thinks the surplus is higher than that. Sounds like we're going to get our seventh consecutive tax increase.
Town Treasurer Pat Anderson spoke regarding the Transfer Station, noting that the facility carried a cumulative surplus into the year ($171K) and actually expected to lose money this year because of the use of the facility for storm debris from Nemo and Sandy.
One nice way to cut the deficit would be to boost our recycling revenue - we have been the worst in the state.
a. Presentation of WebGIS by Stephen McCandless, GIS Coordinator and Council discussion and potential action regarding the same. 7:37 - Steve began his presentation on new material accessible through the web. There will be a new site at to allow access to property records, expected to be on-line on Tuesday. Lots of interesting-sounding bells and whistles. Here's the original project outline (click here).
b. Discussion and potential action regarding a resolution reaffirming the authority of Geoffrey Marchant, Director, Community Development Consortium to execute Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program documents on behalf of the Town of Charlestown. 7:54 - This is a periodic review and renewal being done at the advice of the Town Solicitor. Approved unanimously without discussion.
12. CONSENT AGENDA All items marked with “CA” are to be considered consent agenda.
Motion to accept, approve and place on file the following as the consent agenda: 11a, 11b, 13a, 13b, 16a, 17a, 17b, 17c, 18a. 7:57 - as usual Councilor Lisa DiBello asked to pull 11.a.3. the Seaside Soccer Tournament pulled. Has questions about the fees and whether it is consistent. Also wanted to know if there are going to be food vendors at the tourney. TA Stankiewicz suggests tabling this application until there is more information. Moved, passed unanimously.
“CA” a. Discussion and potential action regarding the approval of the following events at Ninigret Park with a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, subject to review of contracts by the Town Solicitor, receipt of all applicable paperwork and insurance and that all event details are satisfactorily met by the Parks and Recreation Director:
1. Event: Memorial Day Parade
Park Reservation (Setup): May 25, 2014
Event Date: May 25, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: $1 Million General Liability
Fee: Waived
2. Event: Big Apple Circus “Luminocity”
Park Reservation (Setup): June 26 – July 17, 2014
Event Dates: July 5 – July 13, 2014 (total of 12 shows)
Camping: Yes
Insurance: $5 Million General Liability
Fee: $9,000
3. Event: Seaside Classic Soccer Tournament
Park Reservation (Setup): July 12 – July 13, 2014
Event Dates: July 12 – July 13, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: $1 Million General Liability
Fee: $3,400
4. Event: Frosty Drew VIP Fundraising Event
(formerly Sea Star Marketplace)
Park Reservation (Setup): July 22 – July 28, 2014
Event Date: July 26, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: $2 Million General Liability, $2 Million Liquor Liability
Fee: Waived
5. Event: Frosty Drew Arts Festival
(formerly Sea Star Marketplace)
Park Reservation (Setup): July 20 – July 27, 2015
Event Dates: July 24 – July 26, 2015
Camping: for 25 exhibitors
Insurance: $2 Million General Liability, $2 Million Liquor Liability
Fee: Waived
6. Event: Frosty Drew Run
Park Reservation (Setup): May 3, 2014
Event Date: May 3, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: $1 Million General Liability
Fee: Waived
7. Event: Bob Beal Memorial Criterium
Park Reservation (Setup): August 17, 2014
Event Date: August 17, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: $1 Million General Liability
Fee: $100 prior to the event, $2 per rider after the event
8. Event: Mystic Velo Club Criterium
Park Reservation (Setup): April 19, 2014
Event Date: April 19, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: $1 Million per Occurrence
Fee: $100 paid prior to event, $2 per rider paid after the event
9. Event: 12th Annual Chris Hinds FUJI “Sunshine” Criterium
Park Reservation (Setup): March 29, 2014
Event Date: March 29, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: $1 Million General Liability
Fee: $100 paid prior to the event, $2 per rider after the event
“CA” b. Discussion and potential action regarding the approval of the following events at Charlestown Town Beach with a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, subject to review of contracts by the Town Solicitor, receipt of all applicable paperwork and insurance and that all event details are satisfactorily met by the Parks and Recreation Director:
1. Event: Northeast Skim Tour
Town Beach Reservation (Setup): June 14 – June 15, 2014
Event Dates: June 14 – June 15, 2014
Camping: N/A
Insurance: $2 Million General Liability
Fee: Waived
“CA” a. Town Council Minutes: January 8; January 13
“CA” b. Reports: Building Official – January 2014; Police Chief – January 2014; Public Works Director – January 2014; Town Clerk – January 2014; Wastewater Manager – January 2014
“CA” a. Memo from the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding the Commission’s intent to recommend a new name for the property known as “Mud Cove”
“CA” a. Discussion and potential action regarding acceptance of the resignation Peter Slom from the Parks and Recreation Commission with regret
“CA” b. Reappointment of Thomas Nowell to the Parks and Recreation Commission, term to expire in January of 2017
“CA” c. Reappointment of Margaret Toth to the Juvenile Hearing Board, term to expire in February of 2017
“CA” a. Request from the Tax Assessor for abatements in the amount of $523.02
3. PUBLIC COMMENT for items not on the Agenda
4. COUNCIL COMMENTS 8 PM - Dan Slattery did several "shout-outs." Boss Gentz, as usual has comments congratulating DPW and to Matt Dowling for turning in a very good report card (4.0) on a program he's taking at URI. Gentz reports that Geoff Marchant is submitting a $4 million grant to get Sandy relief money to fill the funding gap to build the Churchwoods senior citizens affording housing development. (Fingers crossed, this is a great project, in my opinion).
a. Town Administrator
b. Commission Reports
b. Discussion and potential action regarding the Town’s APRA policy. 8:09 - TA Stankiewicz presented the plan as a solution to humongous requests (e.g. a request from a company for all purchasing records from Jan. 1, 2008 to the present). The actual proposal would levy charges for way smaller requests, especially the kind that Progressive Charlestown makes on a regular basis, to bring information to you. The charge will be 15 cents a page for pages over 10 pages and a $15 hourly search rate - cumulative.
Councilor Tremblay noted the costs are less than the maximum allowed under state law. Councilor DiBello asked whether it was going to cost more to process the estimates, costs, refunds, etc. Councilor Slattery thinks the new policy is very fair and likes the idea that it will make people who want information to "think twice" before asking for material.
Beth Richardson says she's a big fan of freedom of information and likes the idea of putting much more information on the web.
Frank Glista is concerned about the billing/estimate process and thinks it could end up taking up staff time and then have it come to nothing.
Motion to approve the policy - unanimous approval.
Councilor Tremblay noted the costs are less than the maximum allowed under state law. Councilor DiBello asked whether it was going to cost more to process the estimates, costs, refunds, etc. Councilor Slattery thinks the new policy is very fair and likes the idea that it will make people who want information to "think twice" before asking for material.
Beth Richardson says she's a big fan of freedom of information and likes the idea of putting much more information on the web.
Frank Glista is concerned about the billing/estimate process and thinks it could end up taking up staff time and then have it come to nothing.
Motion to approve the policy - unanimous approval.
c. Discussion and potential action regarding the Charlestown Moraine Preserve Management Plan. 8:22 - Lillian Arnold says the Commission has given the Council Phase One of the Plan and is currently collecting information for Phase Two. The idea is to preserve the land in perpetuity as conservation open space.
Gentz question to the Solicitor - should we vote on this part of the Plan? Peter Ruggiero - suggests Council should just accept the document and then wait until Plan is complete, including whether or not the town will grant conservation easements. Working off of Gentz list. Nature Conservancy has said it does NOT want an easement.
Ms. Arnold says that NO decision has been made about conservation easements.
Gentz question to Town Clerk Amy Weinreich on timing to get any conservation easement ballot question on the financial town referendum. Answer - any policy decision would have to be made at the April Council meeting and the actual language the following month.
If there is going to be a conservation easement granted, voters MUST approve it.
Comment from former Council President Deb Carney about including the potential for recreational uses for the property since the money came out of the Open Space - RECREATION bond fund.
Richard Thieke of the Conservation Commission disputed Deb's comment saying that there is recreation elsewhere in town and that the intent of the purchase was for passive recreation use.
Deb noted that less than 1% of the bond money was used for recreation. Nearly all of it was used for open space. She noted that this land was one of the places where Charlestown was considering building a school if the town seceded from Chariho.
Gentz question to the Solicitor - should we vote on this part of the Plan? Peter Ruggiero - suggests Council should just accept the document and then wait until Plan is complete, including whether or not the town will grant conservation easements. Working off of Gentz list. Nature Conservancy has said it does NOT want an easement.
Ms. Arnold says that NO decision has been made about conservation easements.
Gentz question to Town Clerk Amy Weinreich on timing to get any conservation easement ballot question on the financial town referendum. Answer - any policy decision would have to be made at the April Council meeting and the actual language the following month.
If there is going to be a conservation easement granted, voters MUST approve it.
Comment from former Council President Deb Carney about including the potential for recreational uses for the property since the money came out of the Open Space - RECREATION bond fund.
Richard Thieke of the Conservation Commission disputed Deb's comment saying that there is recreation elsewhere in town and that the intent of the purchase was for passive recreation use.
Deb noted that less than 1% of the bond money was used for recreation. Nearly all of it was used for open space. She noted that this land was one of the places where Charlestown was considering building a school if the town seceded from Chariho.
b. Discussion and potential action regarding a Resolution to Urge Repeal of Master-Lever Voting. 8:35 - George Tremblay read the resolution, said he forgot what he had written down to say about it. Boss Gentz noted this was Moderate Party Ken Block's idea. No further discussion. Approved unanimously.
c. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #362 - Chapter 218, Zoning Map Amendment (Collins Revocable Living Trust, 9 Prosser Trail, Map 17, Lot 185), to be advertised for public hearing on March 10, 2014. Approved unanimously.
d. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #363 – Chapter 218-59, Commercial and recreation vehicles in residential district (Parking), to be advertised for public hearing on March 10, 2014. Approved unanimously.
e. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #364 – Chapter 155, Nuisances (Extraction), to be advertised for public hearing on March 10, 2014. This is a big mistake and premature, but approved unanimously.
20. ADJOURNMENT - Meeting adjourned at 8:40.