How to do a Successful Spring Garden
From: Beth Buczynski, in, Care2, More from this
Growing your own food is a powerful, revolutionary action. It reduces your dependence on an agricultural system that’s more concerned with profit than nutrition or food safety. It also gets you outside, hands in the dirt, appreciating Mother Nature's glorious ability to turn a tiny seed into a delicious supper.
But we're not as good as gardening as we once were. We’re out of practice. Those of us who’ve never tried gardening (or tried and failed) have lots of doubts. You’ve heard the saying "failure to plan is a plan to fail"?
1. Pick a place — The
first thing to do is determine where you garden will grow. You’ll want an area
that is fully exposed to the sun for as many hours a day as possible. Don’t
worry if you don't have a big yard; gardens can also be grown in raised beds
(if you can’t or don't want to dig) and containers on porches, balconies and
fire escapes. But the sunlight is key. Once you've identified your space, you
can start planning the number and type of plants you want to grow. And if your
home is shrouded in shade, consider using a yard sharing service to connect
with someone who has the space, but isn't keen on gardening.
2. Start the seeds — If
this is your first time planting a spring garden, it’s a good idea to start
small, and focus on forgiving plants. Things like summer squash, Swiss chard,
radishes and herbs are ideal. Although it may still be cold outside, you can
save a lot of money by sprouting your chosen organic seeds indoors right now.
Check out 6 Tips for Starting Your Own Vegetable Seeds Indoors for more info.
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