If the drugmaker's executives choose
to disown America, then America should disown them.

I say “poor” drug giant, I don’t mean Pfizer is broke or in the poor house. No,
no, the pill peddler is incredibly rich, hauling in some $50 billion a year on
sales of Viagra, Lipitor, Celebrex, and such.
However, the pharmaceutical
powerhouse feels put-upon by what its CEO calls America’s “uncompetitive tax
baby. Now Pfizer says it must renounce its citizenship in our country, flee to
the lower-tax sanctuary of England, and reincorporate as a British firm.
fact, the drugmaker scooped up $2.2 billion in federal tax refunds between 2010
and 2012 while earning $43 billion worldwide even though 40 percent of its
sales are in the United States.
It also snapped up $3.4 billion in federal
contracts over those three years, according to an Institute for Policy Studies report on
corporate tax dodgers.
tax breaks are hardly all that this expatriate ingrate gets from us. How about
that fat subsidy called Medicare Part D that its lobbyists wrote and got George
W. Bush to ram into law?
a huge chunk of corporate socialism that forces taxpayers to shell out billions
a year to cover whatever rip-off prices Pfizer and other Big Pharma profiteers
choose to charge for the drugs that seniors take.
while this corporate greedhead says it no longer wants to be an American, it
most certainly does want to keep getting this platinum-coated welfare payment
from the American government it supposedly disdains.
too, that while Pfizer is swapping out its citizenship, it wants to keep its
headquarters and top executives right here in the good ol’ USA.
me, but if Pfizer executives choose to disown America, then America should
disown them.
OtherWords columnist Jim Hightower is
a radio commentator, writer, and public speaker. He’s also editor of the
populist newsletter, The Hightower
Lowdown. OtherWords.org