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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Stand Proud NRA

America Has Highest Gun Deaths Of 27 Developed Countries
We-Sell-GunsIn the wake of last weekend’s, 2014 NRA/NRAAM Annual Meetings and Exhibits , I came across a study conducted eight months ago by two New York City cardiologists. 

Their research discovered there are more guns and gun deaths in the United States, than in 27 other developed countries. Dr. Sripal Bangalore and Dr. Franz Messerli claimed they conducted the study to see which side of the gun debate was stating facts (biting my tongue):

“I think we need more of what I would call evidence-based discussion and not merely people pulling things out of their hats,” Bangalore said. “We hear time and time again about these shootings, especially in the last year or so. A lot of claims are made…so we wanted to look at the data and see if any of this holds water.”

They gathered their information from World Health Organization (a fascinating interactive site) and Small Arms Survey.

United States
88.8 Guns per 100
10.2 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
45.7 Guns per 100
3.84 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
45.3 Guns per 100
3.64 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
31.6 Guns per 100
1.47 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
31.3 Guns per 100
1.78 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
31.2 Guns per 100
3 FireaFirearm-related Deaths per 100,000
30.8 Guns per 100
2.44 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
30.4 Guns per 100
2.94 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
30.3 Guns per 100
1.25 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
30.3 Guns per 100
1.1 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
New Zealand
22.6 Guns per 100
2.66 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
22.5 Guns per 100
1.5 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
17.2 Guns per 100
2.43 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
15.3 Guns per 100
1.81 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
15 Guns per 100
1.04 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
South Africa
12.7 Guns per 100
9.41 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
12.5 Guns per 100
0.72 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
12 Guns per 100
1.45 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
11.9 Guns per 100
2.16 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
11.9 Guns per 100
1.28 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
10.4 Guns per 100
0.63 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
8.6 Guns per 100
1.03 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
8.5 Guns per 100
1.77 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
7.3 Guns per 100
1.86 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
United Kingdom
6.2 Guns per 100
0.25 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
3.9 Guns per 100
0.46 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000
0.6 Guns per 100
0.06 Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000

Dr. Sripal Bangalore is with NYU Langone Medical Center, and Dr. Franz Messerli is with St. Luke’s Medical Center.

It’s clear more guns do not make for a safer country. In addition, another study has found there have been more gun deaths since 1968, than in all the U.S. wars combined. Perhaps now the NRA will listen. Of course they won’t.

I’m not against guns/gun owners. I’m against the never-ending stories about unnecessary deaths caused by gun owners who are irresponsible and dangerous. And I’m against those in the NRA who continue to twist the motives of concerned citizens. Most of us are not out to take away everyone’s guns. 

All we want is a safer America for our children. And just a suggestion to the NRA – you might want to consider getting another spokesmodel. One who doesn’t rave about water-boarding/torture. 

You know the one I mean.

Visit: Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America – a very successful non-partisan organization that works to find solutions.

Leslie Salzillo is a pro-choice mother, Rush Limbaugh boycotter, political commentator and visual artist. She began contributing to Liberals Unite in June of 2013. Join her on the new Facebook page, Pro-Choice Liberals.