Friday, June 24, 2016

Visit our ham radio field day on Saturday

and see our emergency preparations in action
At the 2012 Field Day (click to enlarge)
The Charlestown Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Ham Radio Team will be demonstrating Amateur Radio operation while training for our next community emergency this Saturday at Ninigret Park, June 25.

They invite the public to attend to watch, ask questions, and learn more about emergency communication preparations.

What is Field Day Weekend?
  • a contest, 
  • an emergency preparedness exercise, 
  • a public relations demonstration, 
  • a great event for Clubs and/or Emergency Teams, 
  • or just a fun way to get on the air

Field Day Weekend is ALL these things!

While the local teams are normally based out their local Emergency Operations Centers, Field Day Weekend is conducted at an alternate site using temporary antennas and mobile equipment powered by solar cells and/or emergency generators.

This year’s local event will be set up next to the Charlestown Summer Office in Ninigret Park (#29 Park Lane) using the garage as a base of operations.

The public will have a chance to meet with these local ham radio operators and see for themselves what the Amateur Radio Service is about.

To learn more about Field Day Weekend, go to

To learn more about using Amateur Radio in an Emergency, go to

To find other Field Day Sites, go to