to Make Your Home Smart and Energy Efficient
From: Jessica Oaks, Triple
Pundit, More from this Affiliate
Most of us tend not to think about it. After
all, what damage can possibly be done by leaving the lights on in a room or
setting the thermostat a couple of degrees cooler? Well, more than you probably
You may not
believe that you’re using an exorbitant amount of electricity, but over time,
this usage adds up. And this usage burdens the electrical grid and increases
your spending. Thankfully, by being conscious of this fact, you can make
changes that benefit your wallet, and the community as well.
Changing your habits:
Lowering your
electricity usage is like exercising and eating healthy — the only way to do it
is to do it. Plain and simple. If you leave a room, switch off the lights and
television; when you’re not at home during the day, set your thermostat at a
higher temperature so that you’re not wasting electricity cooling an unoccupied
house; and if you have old stereo or multimedia equipment — including DVD
players, CD players or computers — unplug them rather than leave them in
stand-by mode.
Each of these actions can help you save electricity
incrementally, all of which can lower your electricity bill.
By how much? Well,
consider these costs:
- - Cost to run 5 incandescent bulbs: 30 cents per day or $110 per year
- - Additional cost of running Non-EnergyStar-rated television: $55 per year
- - Cost of running multimedia devices in stand-by mode: $67 per year
- - Cost of running air conditioning while at work: $200 per season
Simply by changing your
electricity usage habits, you can save hundreds of dollars over the course of a
year. With that money, you could buy a new EnergyStar-rated TV set, make a car
payment, take the family to Disneyland or buy new furniture.
Most people, if
told they could make an extra $500 simply by switching off lights, adjusting
their thermostats and unplugging old DVD players, would probably jump at the
opportunity to do so. Well, you can!
Read more at ENN
Affiliate, TriplePundit.