Monday, July 14, 2014

Town Council meets THURSDAY

Back in the refurbished Town Council Chambers
By Will Collette
Loop Spinning animated GIFThe regularly scheduled Town Council had to be postponed due to a glitch in publishing the meeting notice in the Westerly Sun. The Sun didn't print the notice, so the Council either had to re-schedule or violate the state's Open Meetings Act.

Normally, this Town Council violates the Open Meetings Act with impunity, but this time, they decided that postponing would be better, especially since the Attorney General is currently considering their fate in another alleged OMA violation (click here for details).

So they'll meet Thursday, 7 PM. in the newly refurbished Town Council chambers.

As usual, I've done up this month’s agenda and added my snarky comments after a number of items.

1. CALL TO ORDER, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance


Motion to move items 15a, 15b, 15c, 7a, 18h, 12, 7b, and 7c to be heard next on the Agenda


a. Resolution of Respect in honor of Carol M. Miller

b. Resolution of Respect in honor of Janette H. Nielsen

c. Proclamation for Nicholas Iacovelli on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout

America Flag American Flag animated GIF
Why did this flag project take months to approve?


a. Discussion and potential action regarding the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission to include CodyClarkin’s Flagpole Gardens Project in the revised Ninigret Park Master Plan.

For somewhat baffling reasons, this matter has been kicked around for months. For a Town Council that makes a big ritual out of patriotic displays, I can’t understand why this matter wasn’t approved as a Consent Agenda item months ago is beyond me.


h. Discussion and potential action regarding funding for the Church Woods Affordable Housing project

This is one of the only affordable housing proposals Charlestown has ever fully supported. It would create a cluster of affordable rental units for senior citizens along Old Post Road in Cross’ Mills. Charlestown desperately needs affordable rental units for the elderly. The state funding for this project was slashed due to federal funding cuts driven by radical Republicans in the House of Representatives. We’ve been looking for alternative funding ever since.

As the document at the link indicates, there may be a solution after all, through disaster money coming to Rhode Island due to Hurricane Sandy. Since Charlestown has been disappointed in the past, even on what we were assured was a sure thing, I won't believe it till the check clears the bank, but this is good news! Knock on wood.


All items marked with “CA” are to be considered consent agenda

“Consent agenda” items are generally considered non-controversial and thus don’t need extended debate, public comment, etc. so they are voted together, up or down, as a bloc with no debate. Any Council member can ask for an item to be pulled from the Consent Agenda for debate and a separate vote. Most often, such requests are made by Councilor Lisa DiBello, sometimes by Councilor Dan Slattery.

Motion to accept, approve and place on file the following as the consent agenda: 11a, 11b, 13a, 13b, 17b, 17c, 17d, 18e, 18f, and 18g


“CA” a. Discussion and potential action regarding the approval of an application for a Peddler’s License from Luca’s Coffee and Ice Cream, with a recommendation from Police Chief Jeffrey Allen, subject to receipt of all required paperwork

“CA” b. Discussion and potential action regarding the approval of a Special Outdoor Entertainment license for the Humming Bird Music Festival, to be held August 16, 2014 at 1660 Shannock Road, Charlestown RI, subject to the receipt of all required paperwork


“CA” a. Town Council Minutes: June 4; June 9 (Executive and Regular); June 20; June 23

“CA” b. Reports: Building Official – June 2014; Police Chief – June 2014; Public WorksDirector – June 2014; Town Clerk – June 2014; Treasurer – May 2014; Wastewater – June 2014


“CA” b. Appointment of Brian McDonald to the Affordable Housing Commission, term to expire in September of 2015, as recommended by the Commission Chair

“CA” c. Appointment of Dawne Burns to the Board of Canvassers, term to expire in March of 2018

“CA” d. Acceptance of the resignation of Susan A. Carpenter from the Board of Canvassers with regret


“CA” e. Discussion and potential action regarding the award of the Diesel Fuel bid to Ginger’s Oil for a markup price of $.38 per gallon for Low-Sulfur Diesel Fuel and an additional $.38 per gallon for Winter Blend Diesel Fuel, as budgeted in line item 01.620.6020, and authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, each, to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be necessary to carry into effect the foregoing

“CA” f. Request from Amy Rose Weinreich, CMC Town Clerk, for approval of the Xerox ACS Land Evidence Microfilm to Digital Image Conversion project at a rate of $.14 per page, with funding to come from line item 18.000.5100.003, and authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, each, to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be necessary to carry into effect the foregoing

Animals Bathroom animated GIF“CA” g. Discussion and potential action regarding the award of the Porta-Jon Facilities bid to RPE Waste Services for a price of $155 per month for regular portable toilet facilities, cleaned, stocked and pumped twice weekly; $110.00 per month for regular portable toilet facilities, cleaned, stocked and pumped once weekly; and $ 215.00 per month for handicapped accessible toilet facilities, cleaned, stocked and pumped twice weekly, as budgeted in line items 05.000.6020 (CRCC), 01.820.6065 (Ninigret Park, Charlestown Town Beach and Sam Ferretti Blue Shutter Beach), and authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, each, to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be necessary to carry into effect the foregoing

Councilor Slattery doesn't want
talk - he wants WAR!


b. Discussion and potential action regarding participation in the Joint Meeting of the Chariho Governing Bodies 

There has been a running debate about this matter over the past several months. The three Chariho towns don’t like or trust each other but are stuck with each other because breaking up the Chariho School District would cost a boatload of money. Councilor Dan Slattery has been especially rabid about how much he hates the other two towns and doesn’t want to meet with them. 

On this issue, Council Boss Tom Gentz has been in his Uncle Fluffy persona, and wants everybody to come together for a dialogue, even if nothing good happens. Generally, a majority of the Council members have held that having such a meeting is a waste of time.

c. Discussion and potential action regarding the submission of two agenda items for discussion at the Joint Meeting of the Chariho Governing Bodies

Ditto on this.

3. PUBLIC COMMENT for items not on the Agenda



a. Nancy and Charlie Clough – Noise Ordinance


a. Town Administrator

b. Commission Reports


a. Discussion and potential action regarding the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee to explore Bicycle Pathway feasibility for the Town of Charlestown

About Me Bicycle animated GIFThis is another oldie but goodie agenda item that originally was brought up by Boss Gentz who, without thinking it through, said he thought the town should build a bike path along Charlestown Beach Road. The problem is there isn’t enough room at times for two lanes of traffic, never mind taking an additional ten feet or so for a bike path. And Boss Gentz’s idea that property owners along the way will give up a ten foot right-of-way which in some cases includes their mailboxes, well-heads, gardens, etc. – has also landed with a thud. But Boss Gentz has a dream so they will discuss assembling a committee of dreamers to look at this issue one more time to see if they can conjure up some space that does not currently exist in the universe we all live in.

Now the idea is back, but in a broader and more generic form. The Parks & Rec Commission wants to set up a sub-committee to look at bike paths more generally. This subcommittee will likely be led by CCA Party leader Faith LaBossiere who, along with Gentz, was hot to do the Charlestown Beach Road bikepath. Faith is also well known for her passion for shrubs and mulch.

b. Discussion and potential action regarding directing the Town Solicitor and Town Administrator to write a letter to the Rhode Island Water Resources Board requesting clarification to the Charlestown Town Council of the process for selecting its recent purchase of land for a wellhead in Charlestown, such letter to be directed to Mr. Burke of the Water Resources Board with copies to his supervisor and the Governor

This is an outgrowth of the shameful grilling the CCA Boys on the Town Council gave to state Water Resources Board (WRB) Director Ken Burke at last month’s Council meeting. The WRB has a purchase-and-sales agreement with Frank Glista and his family to buy some unspoiled acreage off Old Post Road to set aside as open space to preserve the water beneath the land for a time in the future when we all might need it. 

The CCA Party Council majority has gone full jihid against this plan, even though it uses state money to create more protected open space in Charlestown. The Council has no standing in this transaction since it is a private sale between the Glista Family and the state; the Council’s interference could lead to the town getting sued for tortuous interference in a lawsuit that it will lose. But these CCA boys don’t know when to stop.

If they succeed in this interference, they will be creating a new power for the Town Council - that of having the right to approve or veto private property transactions.

c. Discussion and potential action regarding the request from the Chief of Police to authorize the Town Administrator to advertise a Request for Proposals for a Professional Management Consultant for the Charlestown Police Department



a. Public Hearing and potential action regarding the following application for beverage license:

VSA Arts Rhode Island for a Class F Liquor License, fee to be waived, for the Rhythm and Roots event to be held at Ninigret Park on August 29 – alcohol served 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., August 30 – alcohol served 11:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., August 31 – alcohol served 11:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m.

b. Public hearing and potential action regarding the following application for beverage license:

St. James Chapel for a Class F Liquor License, fee to be waived, for the Lobster Bake event to be held at 2079 Matunuck Schoolhouse Road on July 27, 2014 – alcohol served from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


a. Board and Commission vacancies



a. Discussion and potential action regarding appointments to the Zoning Board of Review1 Full Member (term to expire in July of 2019) and 3 Alternate members (terms to expire in July of 2015)

Joe Quadrato's UFO strict compliance
with Charlestown's dark sky ordinance

Over the past year, the CCA Party has been loading the Zoning Board with its political appointees. They already have Mike Chambers and Cliff Vanover on the Zoning Board, and they have Joe Quadrato waiting in the wings. The clear intent of the CCA Party is to take control of the ZBR so that it, along with their lock on the Planning Commission, will never, ever approve the building of anything in Charlestown for the foreseeable future.

In this action, the Council will have to decide whether to re-appoint long-time member Richard Frank and newbie CCA Party ideologues Mike Chambers and Cliff Vanover as Alternates #1 and #2, respectively. Kara Scott, who was heralded last year as a great long-term prospect, does not want to be re-appointed as Alternate #3. That leaves CCA Party fund-raising party guy Joe Quadrato as the next batter. He's only been in the on-deck circle for a short time.


a. Discussion and potential action regarding the approval of Budget Transfers in the amount of $48,647.00, as requested by Town Treasurer Patricia M. Anderson

b. Discussion and potential action regarding the request from the Town Administrator for the transfer of funds from the Council Contingency budget line item to the appropriate salary line items to allow for salary position grade and level adjustments

c. Discussion and potential action regarding a request from the Parks and Recreation Commission to approve the use of up to $180,000, including a possible in-kind service donation of $45,000, from the Ninigret Park Fund as matching funds to the 2014 RIDEM Recreation Grant awarded to the Town of Charlestown

DEM awarded Charlestown this nice chunk of change to add and improve toilet facilities at Ninigret Park. Even though the Council approved the proposal that led to this money on a unanimous vote last November, I’m sure they’ll find something to nitpick as they usually do on any Parks & Recreation matter.

d. Discussion and potential action regarding the renewal of the Gate House Lease to William Clarkin from July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016 at the rate of $500.00 per month as recommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation

The last time this issue came up, in June 2012, it led to a fight between former Parks & Rec Director and now Councilor Lisa DiBello and current Parks & Rec Jay Primiano. Bill Clarkin is on Jay’s P&R staff and in addition to his other duties, he also watches out for Ninigret Park after hours.