Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Seeking re-election to RI Senate District 34

Senator Catherine Cool Rumsey kicked off her re-election campaign on June 30th 
By Cathie Cool Rumsey

I was honored when the voters of Charlestown, Exeter, Hopkinton, Richmond and West Greenwich elected me as Senator for District 34. Today, I ask them to re-elect me.

When I ran in 2012, I promised I would focus my energies on the true needs of the people. These included a better economy, environmental preservation and education. In the two years since you first elected me:

I served on the Senate Committee for Health and Human Services and the Committee of Environment and Agriculture.

I co-chaired the Behavioral Health and Firearms Safety Task Force.  As co-chair, I took on the tough issue of balancing the need to keep guns out of the hands of persons with dangerous mental illnesses while preserving their rights of privacy and the rights guaranteed under the Second Amendment. I facilitated legislation that all 20 members of the task force were pleased to support.

I am Vice Chair of the Permanent Legislative Commission on Child Care in Rhode Island.  This commission helps to ensure that working families have affordable, quality child care and that children are prepared to succeed in school. 

I also serve on the Joint Municipal Shared Services Study Commission which studies the feasibility of sharing municipal services within Rhode Island’s 39 cities and towns.  The Commission is currently studying the cost savings and efficiencies for sharing public safety dispatch and tax collection services among our communities.

This year I submitted legislation in the senate that would allow our state to utilize its purchasing power by applying a contract preference to companies that demonstrate a fair pay ratio between the highest and lowest wage earners.  Although this bill passed in the senate it did not pass in the House.  

Cathie (center) with Larry Valencia and Rep. Donna Walsh
I believe Rhode Island can use its purchasing power to help drive fair wages.  Low wages are not just a company issue; they directly impact working families, our economy and the taxpayers because when people are not paid fair wages they often need to rely on government social services to supplement their income.

I am especially pleased with the results of my partnerships with fellow legislators, Representatives Donna Walsh and Larry Valencia, to enact legislation that benefits our shared communities.

I partnered with Representative Walsh to create a food residual recycling program and divert organic waste from our state’s only landfill.  This legislation also brings opportunities for new green jobs in Rhode Island. Representative Valencia and I worked together to ensure 1,825 acres of pristine woodlands in Richmond will be transferred to the state in accordance with the wishes of the late Mr. Theakston de Coppet.

I have worked hard to earn your trust by keeping the promises I made to you when you first elected me. There is still so much work to do. I ask you to review my record and then support me again on November 4th.

It has been an honor and privilege to be your state senator and represent the people of Charlestown, Exeter, Hopkinton, Richmond and West Greenwich.  I look forward to meeting more constituents during the 2014 campaign to again ask for their support so that I can continue advocacy and service on their behalf.

You can find out more about the work I have accomplished  accomplished by visiting my senate website www.rilin.state.ri.us/senators/coolrumsey/  or to learn more about the campaign, visit my campaign website www.coolsenator.com.