The Republican Party may experience
more fallout than any one company from the Supreme Court's birth control
By Martha Burk
to that ruling, big employers may deny birth control coverage to the female
employees whose health insurance they must provide. In other words, the
court’s conservative majority didn’t just elevate the rights of corporations
over those of women. It also legitimized a form of sex discrimination in employment.
there’s a bill Democratic Senators Patty Murray of Washington and Mark Udall of
Colorado introduced. Their Protect Women’s
Health from Corporate Interference Act would make all
corporations pay for contraception coverage, canceling out the Hobby Lobby
ruling’s impact.
Senate bill failed to garner a 60-vote majority. A House companion
bill, with no potential for passage, is in the works.
the lethargy of this Congress, it’s probably up to women to take direct action
against the privately held craft store chain that refuses to pay for its female
employees’ IUDs, birth control pills, and other contraceptive options because
of its owners’ religious beliefs.
have broken out in several cities and social media is abuzz with hashtags like
#DrHobbyLobby and Facebook pages opposing the decision and
calling for a boycott.
businesses that have sued to exclude birth control from company insurance are
also in the crosshairs, including Eden Foods. Among other things, Michael
Potter — the natural food company’s CEO — claims contraception “almost always
involve[s] immoral and unnatural practices.”
that make you want to buy some other company’s organic offerings? You can sign a petition to
let Potter know.
aim at individual businesses may have some effect, but I’m sure the Republican
Party will experience the most fallout. Even before Supreme Court’s
conservative majority handed down their Hobby Lobby decision, Democrats were
already looking for votes from single women to help their party hang onto a
Senate majority in November’s mid-term elections.
all, women who vote haven’t forgotten zingers from recent (losing) GOP candidates,
including “legitimate
rape,” “abortion Barbie,” and “hey, hot mama.”
female voters get that a Republican majority in the Senate could block even
moderate Supreme Court justices if the two oldest liberals (Ruth Bader Ginsburg
and Stephen Breyer) retire in the next couple of years. If the GOP prevails in
2016, it surely would put more anti-women justices on the Court.
the majority of
voters in presidential elections since 1964, have been dumping the
Republican Party for decades. As of the last election, the gender gap in party
identification was 18 points in favor of the Democrats.
before the Hobby Lobby ruling, women were telling pollsters that the Grand Old
Party just doesn’t understand them. According to a CNN/ORC International poll
released earlier this year, 55 percent of Americans surveyed say the GOP doesn’t
understand women. Among all women, the number climbs to 59 percent,
and an even higher 64 percent for women over 50.
a good bet young women are now approaching their mothers’ level of disdain in
the wake of the no-birth-control-for-you decision.
say the “war on women” Democrats accuse them of waging is a fake issue. Really?
addition to taking aim at abortion and now birth control, Republicans are
blocking equal pay legislation, minimum wage increases, and Medicaid expansions
— all programs that disproportionately affect women. They’ve crusaded for years
to weaken Social Security and ignore the need for universal child care and paid
family leave.
this isn’t a war on women, it’s one heckuva frontal assault. We’ll see who wins
in November.
Burk is the director of the Corporate Accountability Project for the National
Council of Women’s Organizations (NCWO) and the author of the book Your
Voice, Your Vote: The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Power, Politics, and the Change We
Need. Follow Martha on twitter @MarthaBurk.
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