Copar, South County Sand & Gravel, others hit
with federal fines
I’ve been investigating and writing about the Copar Quarry[1] in Bradford
since October 2012. Dale Faulkner at the Westerly Sun has been doing some
terrific investigative reporting. The local victims’ group has worked hard at
trying to draw attention to health issues and filing lawsuits. Rep. Donna Walsh
has been trying to mobilize state action.
And the town councils of Westerly[2] and Charlestown have been made to look like fools.
And the town councils of Westerly[2] and Charlestown have been made to look like fools.
But the problems
at Copar in Bradford still remain. Indeed, Copar has since acquired two more
quarry sites, one in Charlestown and another in Richmond. I’ve also been
hearing persistent reports of Copar efforts to acquire mineral rights at other
sites, despite its recent problems with the IRS.
Plus, more attention has been drawn to other local quarries in and around
After all that, the Charlestown Town Council still seems stumped on how to regulate quarries and sand & gravel pits which are
largely unregulated. Awkward attempts at trying to pass an ordinance to
regulate these sites crashed due to legal sloppiness[3]
by the Town Solicitor, threats from Copar and opposition from the owners of the
other quarries.
Indeed, the only rule the inept Charlestown Town Council managed to adopt was a decree by Council Boss Tom Gentz (CCA Party) at the April 14, 2014 Council meeting that residents who speak at Council meetings are not allowed to use the name "Copar" when they testify.
As it stands,
there is only one governmental agency that has demonstrated any intent to regulate is the
federal Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). Unlike RIDEM, which has few
inspectors and ambiguous legal authority, MSHA inspectors have been regularly
visiting local quarries and citing mine owners for unsafe working conditions.
However, one thing I
learned from 20 years[4]
of dealing with chemical plants, dumpsites and mines, is that when the safety
inspectors uncover workplace hazards, that usually means the business is doing
other things that are unsafe to people and the environment.
As you would
expect, MSHA has cited Copar’s Bradford operation repeatedly. On July 8, they
inspected the Bradford quarry and issued four Notices of Violation for unsafe
equipment operation.
That brings the total number of MSHA notices of violation against Copar at the Bradford site close to seventy since 2011.
That brings the total number of MSHA notices of violation against Copar at the Bradford site close to seventy since 2011.
Screenshot from MSHA database on recent violations at Copar's Bradford quarry |
Copar has also been repeated cited and fined by MSHA at the former Morrone pit off Route 91 in Charlestown. Copar took it over in 2013.
This was the pit that supplied much of the sand for the Misquamicut beach restoration when the Botka
quarry off Route 2 couldn’t supply enough sand to fulfill their contract.
MSHA has inspected that Copar operation and issued five violations for unsafe working conditions. They had also issued quite a number of violations to Morrone, and Copar assumed the liability for those fines when it took them over.
MSHA has inspected that Copar operation and issued five violations for unsafe working conditions. They had also issued quite a number of violations to Morrone, and Copar assumed the liability for those fines when it took them over.
Screenshot from MSHA database on recent violations at Copar's operation right here in Charlestown |
As you can see from the screen shot from MSHA's database (above), Copar/Morrone right in Charlestown is delinquent on three of those violations.
While Copar was
going through its “management changes”
when chief investor and convicted felon Phil Armetta took over control of Copar from CEO and
convicted felon Sam Cocopard after discovering that eleven million dollars were missing,
the Copar quarry at the Richmond Commons site went dormant. But now that
Armetta is in control, that site is now active again, to the point where they
just drew thirteen safety violations
when MSHA inspected on July 8.
Screenshot from MSHA database on July violations at Copar's Richmond operation |
But it’s not
just Copar
During the
debate over Charlestown’s proposed ordinance
to regulate quarries, the Town Council members went out of their way to show
deference to Charlestown’s other quarry and sand & gravel operators, acting
as if there were never any problems with any of them (except maybe this or maybe that).
But the MSHA
record shows that our other, non-Copar operators are not as clean as you would
think from the minutes of the Charlestown Town Council.
Screenshot from MSHA database on recent violations at South County Sand & Gravel |
Shoreline Sand & Gravel, site of last summer’s incident where a helicopter full of guys with guns strafed a junked car in the pit,
drew four MSHA violations in April – two for Shoreline and two for a
contractor, Frost Excavating. Shoreline's violations were paperwork-related, but Frost's had to do with defects in safety training.
Incidentally, that junked car the boys shot up could have led
to a DEM violation for illegal waste disposal, as it did when DEM caught Copar
dumping large appliances in Bradford.
Screenshot from MSHA database on recent violations at Shoreline Gravel |
With all due
respect to the Charlestown operators, there is no rational reason why there
should be no regulation of quarry sites, except by federal MSHA. The argument
that only Copar is a miscreant is simply not supported by the record.
So what is the
best way for the town to regulate quarries?
![]() |
Phil Armetta, owner of Copar/Armetta LLC (photo by Stephen DeVoto, Middletown Eye) |
At minimum,
Charlestown needs to enact a “Bad Actor Ordinance” that forbids issuing
business licenses or town contracts to certain specified types of offenders.
Most local “bad actor” ordinances start with persons or businesses that have been convicted of financial crimes, such as fraud, larceny, bid-rigging, price-fixing, etc.
Most local “bad actor” ordinances start with persons or businesses that have been convicted of financial crimes, such as fraud, larceny, bid-rigging, price-fixing, etc.
Copar is a model
for such an ordinance where its past CEO Sam Cocopard
was found guilty of over 20 financial crimes, its principal investor Phil Armetta served federal prison time on
racketeering-related crimes and its new CEO Michael Sparfven
has been convicted of numerous federal and state crimes.
And Charlestown gave Copar a business license. Richmond actually has a pretty decent “bad actor” ordinance with one teensy
little flaw – quarries don’t need a business license in Richmond. So Copar operates in
Richmond despite the criminal records and shady backgrounds of its principals.
A good bad actor law should apply to all businesses on the principle that we should not be doing business with criminals.
Other towns add
other types of offenses to the list that triggers a ban on contracts or
licenses, such as environmental, safety and worker rights offenses.
Some towns
include the failure to pay taxes as cause for denial. Again, Copar provides us
with a prime example – see Dale Faulkner’s piece on IRS tax liens slapped on
Copar and their unpaid local taxes.
Gentz: "Don't say 'Copar!' Problem solved." |
When the Town
Council members decided that the last version of the Charlestown quarry
ordinance wasn’t suitable, they said they might try to regulate mining through
the town’s zoning ordinance, but only after they had sat down and talked to the
quarry operators.
Well, the quarry
operators haven’t agreed to a meeting date, so nothing is happening.
If I was a Charlestown quarry operator, I’d never consent to the meeting because I know the Town Council members are too chicken-shit to do anything about it.
If I was a Charlestown quarry operator, I’d never consent to the meeting because I know the Town Council members are too chicken-shit to do anything about it.
The broader
approach Charlestown tried (and has apparently now decided to reject) was
actually a step in the right direction. The closer the town comes to modeling
its town ordinance after the one and only national law that regulates mining –
the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) – the better. But SMCRA only regulates coal
Mine operators
said all the same things to try to block SMCRA that Charlestown’s quarry
operators said in their successful opposition to the Charlestown ordinance. That it was unfair. That the operators
police themselves. That regulating them will hurt jobs and the economy. That it
was radical. And that they will sue.
enacted almost 40 years ago and there were lawsuits. Lots of them. But
eventually, the lawsuits ended, the law was upheld and the predicted
catastrophe to jobs and the economy didn’t happen. Job loss in the coal fields
was due almost entirely to the switch to giant machinery and reliance on
explosives rather than on human beings.
If Charlestown
passes an ordinance that does the three key things that SMCRA does (bans bad
actors from getting permits, holds operators to environmental standards and
requires all mine sites to be reclaimed), then of course there will be lawsuits.
Charlestown is always getting sued for something or
other. Often, it’s foolish litigation that’s ineptly executed. The Whalerock litigation
is a prime example.
Botka quarries - declared illegal by Zoning Officer, "grandfathered" by the ZBR. Town Council did NOTHING to enforce Zoning Officer's order |
But often, it’s
OK to get sued if you’re doing the right thing and you’ve done all the right
Take for example Charlestown’s failure to sue the Zoning Board of Review over the decision to allow the Botka quarry to continue operating after Zoning OfficialJoe Warner issued a cease-and-desist order, declaring the quarry to be an illegal mine.
Take for example Charlestown’s failure to sue the Zoning Board of Review over the decision to allow the Botka quarry to continue operating after Zoning OfficialJoe Warner issued a cease-and-desist order, declaring the quarry to be an illegal mine.
I understand the
ZBR’s reasoning for overturning Joe’s enforcement action, but that was a case
that deserved to be put before a judge.
For some reason,
our otherwise lawsuit-happy Council members are afraid to challenge the quarry
industry in town, even though there’s the on-going, never-ending Shelter Cove[5] litigation that
closely resembles the Botka case.
Quarries and
sand pits need to be good neighbors. They should respect their neighbors,
protect the environment and reclaim the land. Despite the platitudes from the
Council members, our local quarries and sand pits have spotty records despite almost no effective
Very few
industries have as much impact on the land as quarries. We have 300 acres of
Charlestown land[6]
currently being mined and an unknown number of acres of abandoned quarries
dotting the landscape. The real question is why have we waited so long to take
action, and what’s stopping us now?
I’m going to use “Copar” throughout this article even though, technically, they
claim they have changed their name to Armetta, LLC. First, most people in Charlestown who pay any
attention at all know the name Copar but might not know Armetta. Second, it
appears from the way they are listed in the federal Mine Safety and Health
Administration database they forgot to tell the feds about the name change.
In Westerly’s case, they not only look foolish, but also corrupt.
Indeed, Dale Faulkner uncovered cases where Copar or people connected to it
gave town officials job offers and gifts.
Like forgetting to include appeal and due process rights, forgetting key
deadlines, etc. and in general, simply cribbing Middletown's ordinance rather than using SMCRA as a model.
Ten years as national organizing director for the Citizens Clearinghouse for
Hazardous Wastes, now called the Center for Health and Environmental Justice.
And ten years as staff director for the Citizens Coal Council.
Shelter Cove LLC owns the site that includes Johnny Angel’s Clam Shack and
commercial beach parking. The town issued an order against Shelter Cove to stop
parking cars there. Shelter Cove appealed to the ZBR, arguing they’ve been
selling beach parking spaces there for decades and thus were “grandfathered”
(just as Botka claimed about his quarry).
The ZBR overturned the town Zoning Officer’s order. The Charlestown Town Council authorized a lawsuit against the ZBR and Shelter Cove and it’s been back and forth ever since. Why is it worth fighting Shelter Cove to the max, but not Botka?
The ZBR overturned the town Zoning Officer’s order. The Charlestown Town Council authorized a lawsuit against the ZBR and Shelter Cove and it’s been back and forth ever since. Why is it worth fighting Shelter Cove to the max, but not Botka?
By contrast, Ninigret Park is only 277 acres.