Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Blame Obama for this

OMG! You won’t believe what President Obama has done now. Everything these days is the president’s fault. So let me show you his top 10 economy faults.

  1. The deficit dropped 70 percent from President Obama’s first year in office. That means the deficit hawks who have been poo-pooing all over about “too much borrowing” will not be able to squawk about it now. And our grandchildren will be not burdened with a humongous debt, then forced to make those terrible choices – so terrible they cannot be named? Well that is fixed. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  2. The economy grew at 4.2 percent from April to June! That’s even higher than the anticipated 4.0 percent. If the economy keeps improving that means there will be more jobs. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  3. The deficit was $680 billion just last year. This year it will be $506 billion. The president just saved us a hunk of change. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  4. Medicare spending will go down by about $95 billion by 2019. The conservatives tell us the flood of Baby Boomers are retiring, so Medicare will consume the “entire federal budget.” That $95 billion Obama saved is enough to cover “unemployment insurance, welfare and Amtrak together or 20 percent of the Pentagon budget in 2019. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  5. People will not have to suffer the fiscal pain the Republican doomsayers predicted, since the country’s bottom line got so much better. When there’s less worry about money, fewer people will get divorces, the number of battered women will go down and the kids will do better in school. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  6. The Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”) has helped hospitals do the job right the first time rather than getting sick people back time and time again. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  7. Obamacare treats the whole person rather than a leg here and a heart there. And that eliminates a bunch of expensive tests and stuff. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  8. Obamacare catches conditions far earlier than before — when they  are less expensive to treat than if the patient has waited. Obamacare pays for preventive care like mammograms and a yearly checkup. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  9. We don’t have to “rein in entitlements,” because Obama care saves us so much money. The Republicans cannot scare us about dumping Grandma off of Medicare, food stamps or her prescriptions. Thanks a lot, Obama.
  10. All of the country’s good and services (GDP) rose while exports and state and local government spending helped the country grow. And if we didn’t import all those goods from China, etc., the country would be in even better shape.  So the dollar’s value went up while the euro fell. Thanks a lot, Obama.

So we agree with all those GOP’ers who want all the little kids to get out their big pencils and write to Barack Hussein Obama. But they can honestly tell him: Thanks a lot, Mr. President!

Author Gloria Christie writes: The United States of Kansas. This is a political column with a humorous bent. And as Kansas goes, so goes the country. Christie wrote a column on community-building for the Kansas City Star, a column on Where High Technology Meets Politics for the IDG-Connect Blog and one about life in the late '50's/early '60's for The Best Times, a Johnson County (KCMO Metro) publication. She has a total readership of over 5 million. Christie holds an MS in radio-TV-film and an MPA in business/government relations. She is also a systemic problems consulting expert for Fortune 100 and 500 businesses both here and off-shore. And she invented and implemented the first computerized patient chart. Christie lives in Fairway, KS. You can follow her on Facebook at Gloria Christie Reports and on Twitter