Wednesday, September 3, 2014

State DEM releases updated guide on control of soil erosion

Important guide to planning

PROVIDENCE - The Rhode Island State Conservation Committee (SCC), under the direction of the Department of Environmental Management, has approved the adoption of updates to the Rhode Island Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (Handbook). 

These updates are in accordance with State law and pursuant to the RI Administrative Procedures Act, which allowed for public input into these updates. These updates to the Handbook, adopted by the SCC, will supersede the 1989 Revision.

The Handbook, last revised in 1989, is an important guidance tool for local, state and federal agencies, the general public and the private sector in the application of appropriate soil erosion and sediment control measures in Rhode Island. 

The 2014 updates to the Handbook focused on using the most current information and technology on selected management measures for soil erosion and sediment control. This update also went through a format change to make its use easier and more accessible to end-users. The update added several new sections, including Section Two: Site Planning and Management; Section Three: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping; and Bio-engineering measures in Section Four.

Electronic copies of the 2014-updated Handbook can be viewed and downloaded from the DEM website at: In addition, hard copies of the Handbook can be purchased via the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District (see below). Appendix D of the Handbook contains information for persons or organizations wishing to be added to a list serve which will allow them to receive electronic notices of future additions, updates, corrections or related information on the Handbook.

Hard copies of the 2014-updated Handbook can be obtained by contacting the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District at: Southern Rhode Island Conservation District, East Farm Way, Building No. 50, Kingston, RI 02881 Attn: Kate Bousquet, District Manager. She may also be reached by phone at 401-500-0422, or via email at The website address is

Questions about the Handbook should be directed to the RI State Conservation Committee c/o Beverly Migliore, Supervising Environmental Scientist, Office of Customer and Technical Assistance, RI Department of Environmental Management, 235 Promenade Street, Providence, RI 02908. She may be reached by phone at 401-222-4700 ext. 7503 or via email at

All interested parties are invited to continue to submit written comments on the updates to the Handbook by utilizing the review form located in Appendix C of the Handbook. Completed review forms may submitted by mail to Beverly Migliore at the Promenade Street address listed above or via email to