Friday, October 10, 2014

Charlestown Town Council Preview – Columbus Day pushes meeting to Tuesday

Last regular meeting of this Council session before the election
Deputy Dan's last round-up
By Will Collette

This will be the valedictory meeting for Town Councilors Lisa DiBello and Dan Slattery who have both decided not to run for re-election. 

Councilor DiBello just signed a settlement agreement with Charlestown to end her $1.5 million civil lawsuit for a total of $450,000. She has decided to take the money and not run for a third term, even though her name will still be on the ballot on November 4. She told the Westerly Sun she is thinking about leaving town.

Councilor Dan Slattery, after two terms as the CCA Party’s head-banger on the Council, did not even file a declaration for a third term. After his very colorful career on the Council, I can’t wait to see what he decides to do next – maybe he’ll go back to being President of the Charlestown Citizens Alliance or will start a private investigation company or train attack dogs or maybe go into the charter school business with Ron Areglado and Donna Chambers.  

This meeting will address the future of the Charlestown Community Garden, the town’s next bumbling move to curb mining operations and perhaps the completion of the CCA Party’s stacking of the membership of the Zoning Board of Review. As always, we could see some surprise craziness where we least expect it.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, not the usual Monday, due to Monday being Columbus Day. 

Here’s the agenda with my snarky commentary in bold red.

REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – October 14, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Charlestown Town Hall, 4540 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI

1. CALL TO ORDER, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance

Motion to move items 15a, 12, 15b, and 15c to be heard next on the Agenda

a. Swearing in of Officer David Westervelt as Detective in the Charlestown Police Department

All items marked with “CA” are to be considered consent agenda 

NOTE: Non-controversial items generally adopted as a bloc without debate or discussion unless a Council member asked for an item to be taken off “consent” so it can be discussed. This will be last chance for Councilors Lisa DiBello and Dan Slattery – the two who most commonly pull items off “consent” to do so.

Motion to accept, approve and place on file the following as the consent agenda: 8b, 13a, 13b, 17a,  17c, 17d, 17e, 17f, 18a, 18b, 18c, and 18d

“CA” b. Discussion and Potential Action on the Request from the Jonnycake Center of Westerly RI to Construct an Approximate 140 Square Foot Covered Work Area at the Community Garden Located Adjacent to the Senior/Community Center in Ninigret Park

“CA” a. Town Council Minutes:

“CA” b. Reports:
1. Building Official – September 2014
2. Police Chief – September 2014
3. Public Works Director – September 2014
4. Town Clerk – September 2014 - Surprisingly, Charlestown births now lead deaths 34-31 for 2014. For the past several years during the Recession, deaths have exceeded births. From 2007-2013, 394 Charlestown residents died, while only 368 were born.
5. Treasurer – August 2014

Ron Crosson - quit rather than be fired by CCA councilors
“CA” a. Acceptance of the Resignation of Ronald Crosson from the Zoning Board of Review with Regret 

NOTE: Ron Crosson was one of several ZBR members targeted by the wind NIMBY wing of the CCA Party. Slattery singled him out for ouster, but Crosson resigned first.

“CA” c. Acceptance of the Resignation of Richard Hosp from the Budget Commission with Regret 

Richard Hosp
NOTE: Richard Hosp has served with distinction. He was part of the first CCA Party slate (in 2008) that ousted Jim Mageau. They were later “excommunicated” by the CCA Party for their support of the Whalerock project. Hosp was one of a dozen town officials named in Councilor Lisa DiBello’s recently settled lawsuit because he voted with his Council colleagues to fire DiBello for cause in 2010.

He and his wife Martha have moved out of Charlestown.

“CA” d. Discussion and Potential Action regarding Appointments to the Bicycle Pathway Ad Hoc Committee; Applications Received from Jennifer Hodshon and Jennifer Demirs

“CA” e. Discussion and Potential Action regarding the Appointment of Edward Vazquez to the Friends of Ninigret Park Subcommittee, with a Recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission

“CA” f. Discussion and Potential Action regarding the Reappointment of Evelyn J. Smith, Ernest R. Morreira and Sandra K. Puchalski to the Affordable Housing Commission, terms to expire in September of 2016, as recommended by the Chair of the Commission.

“CA” a. Request from the Tax Assessor for Abatements in the Amount of $2648.72

“CA” b. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Request from Jay Primiano, Director of Parks and Recreation for Sole Source Procurement of Clivus Multrum Composting Toilet Units from Clivus New England

“CA” c. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding Approval of the Purchase of Four Composting Toilet Units from Clivus New England for an Amount Not to Exceed $213,800.00, as Funded in Part by the RIDEM Grant with the Balance of Funds Being Provided by the Ninigret Park Funds, and Authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing

“CA” d. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Approval of the Purchase of a Pre-Fabricated Open Air Pavilion to be Located in Ninigret Park in the Amount of $65,585 from M.E. O'Brien and Sons, with Funding to Come Line Item 73.000.5100.003 (RI DEM Grant), and Authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing.  There was a pretty amazing discussion at the Planning Commission on this project that I will address in a separate article.

b. Resolution of Respect for Michael J. Rzewuski
c. Resolution of Respect for Ronald Crosson
As if the majority of the Town Council actually had any respect for them. What hypocrites!

3. PUBLIC COMMENT for items not on the Agenda



a. Town Administrator
b. Commission Reports


a. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Request of the Jonnycake Center of Westerly RI for a Five-Year Extension of Their Existing Lease Agreement for a Community Garden Adjacent to the Senior/Community Center in Ninigret Park and Authorization of the Town Council President, Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing. 

NOTE: after a successful harvest and smooth operations this summer, I hope the Council will allow the Jonnycake Center to continue to sponsor the Community Garden.

c. Discussion and Potential Action on a Letter with Recommendations to the Chariho School Committee Chair on the Operation and Format for the Next Joint Meeting of the Chariho Governing Bodies 

This comes out of the recent silly joint meeting that produced virtually nothing but was preceded by some of soon to be former Councilor Dan Slattery's most outrageous conduct, such as creating a totally phony issue - the infamous STD "Single Taxing District" - that also managed to destroy the credibility of the Town's official newsletter. Once called the "Pipeline," it's now known as the "Poopline."


a. Discussion and potential action regarding ordering advertised for public hearing on November 10, 2014 at 7:00 pm, the following applications for beverage license:

CHARLESTOWN PACKAGE STORE, INC. d/b/a “Charlestown Package Store”, to apply to premises located at 4625 Old Post Road – Class A. Designated premises: building only; daily November 1 through May 31 from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm, June 1 through October 31 from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm, and until 11:00 pm on eve of legal holiday or on Saturday eve where a legal holiday falls on Monday

SERRA, RICHARD C. d/b/a “Rippy’s Liquor & Marketplace”, to apply to premises located at 4158 South County Trail– Class A. Designated premises: building only; daily from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm

BIRDMAR ENTERPRIZES, INC. d/b/a “The Cove”, to apply to premises located at 3963 Old Post Road – Class BV Full. Designated premises: restaurant and deck only; daily from 11:30 am to 1:00 am

CHARLESTOWN WILLOWS d/b/a “Foster Pier Restaurant”, to apply to premises located at 5310 Old Post Road– Class BV Full. Designated premises: restaurant and deck, special wedding area (adjacent to water), clambake house, adjacent to cottage #130, dockside building, and enclosed pool area; daily from 7:30 am to 11:00 pm

MGMR GROUP, INC. d/b/a/ “Meadow Brook Inn”, to apply to premises located at 168 Carolina Back Road– Class BV Full. Designated premises: restaurant and formal garden area only; daily from 9:00 am to 12:00 am

NORDIC LODGE, INC. d/b/a/ “Nordic Lodge”, to apply to premises located at 178 East Pasquisett Trail – Class BV Full. Designated premises: restaurant and area between rear of restaurant and pond; Wednesday - Friday from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Saturday from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm, and Sunday from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm

OLD WILCOX TAVERN, INC. d/b/a/ “Wilcox Tavern”, to apply to premises located at 5153 Old Post Road– Class BV Full. Designated premises: restaurant and patio area only; daily from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm

C & E PIZZA, INC. d/b/a “Famous Pizza”, to apply to premises located at 3986 Old Post Road – Class BV Limited. Designated premises: restaurant only; daily from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm

OLD MILL DINER d/b/a “Old Mill Diner, LLC”, to apply to premises located at 4349 South County Trail – Class BV Limited. Designated premises: restaurant and deck/patio only; daily from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm

MARR, CRAIG T. d/b/a “The Breachway Grill LLC”, to apply to premises located at 1 Charlestown Beach Road – Class BV Full. Designated premises: Indoor Restaurant Space and Outdoor Patio Space only; daily from 11:00 am to 1:00 am

G.J.S.I.,  INC, d/b/a G.J.S.I. Tavern and Inn to apply to premises located at 4115 Old Post Road – Class BV Tavern. Designated premises: patio area abutting tavern enclosed by tarmac and stone wall, snack bar and patio area in front of the snack bar/house and lawn abutting the Inn towards the northeast, with no service easterly from tarmac and rear of snack bar to US Route 1; daily from 6:00 am to 1:00 am

DOWNEY WEAVER POST BUILDING ASSOCIATION d/b/a “Downey Weaver Post No. 34, American Legion”, to apply to premises located at 20 Whipple Drive – Class D Club. Designated premises: club building, picnic area and horseshoe pit area only; Monday - Thursday from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, and Sunday from Noon – 10:00 pm

CHARLESTOWN RATHSKELLER TAVERN, INC. d/b/a “Charlestown Rathskeller Tavern” to apply to premises located at 489A Old Coach Road - Class BV Full. Designated premises: The main restaurant building and patio adjacent to the tavern entrance on the east side, including the small deck, bocce court and horseshoe court areas; from the southeast corner of the restaurant, to include the spring house, the sauna area and fire pit; the grounds located southwest of the main entrance (west side) to approximately two hundred (200’) feet south of the employee parking lot; the open porch and deck on the west side of the restaurant; and from the north side of the restaurant up to the stone wall located approximately ten (10) feet from Old Coach Road. Hours of operation: daily from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.


a. Board and Commission vacancies


d. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding a Resolution Relative to the Regulation of Earth Removal, Gravel Extraction and Blasting. 

By this resolution, the Council plans to punt the issue to the General Assembly. That’s what they tried to do at the very end of the last General Assembly session except they screwed up and took too long – sending the required resolution to the legislator on the last day of the session when THEY KNEW it was impossible for the measure to get adopted because they (the Council) screwed up. This time, at least they get the timing right.

This is a complicated issue and there are things Charlestown could do – but has failed to do – in addition to asking the state legislature for authority. Click here to see what I mean.

Charlestown's problem isn't just Copar, but the numerous other operating and abandoned quarries, sand pits and gravel banks scattered all across town.



Cliff Vanover (l) and Joe Quadrato (r) both want Mike Rzewuski's
postion. Both are CCA loyalists - Vanover was one of the founders and
serves on the CCA Steering Committee. Quadrator was an Ill Winder
and a major CCA Party fund-raiser. Wonder what the CCA boys
who hold the Council majority will do? Whatever they decide, the town
is screwed.

Could this rare bit of CCA vs. CCA competition be the beginning of 
an internal power struggle? Will Ron Areglado challenge Ruth Platner
or Boss Gentz? Where's Mike'd have 
thought HE would want Rzewuski's slot in light of all his brilliant 
letters to the editor.
b. Discussion and Potential Action to Make a Membership Appointment to the Zoning Board of Review, Full Member (Term to Expire in July of 2015); Applications Received from Clifford L. Vanover, Joseph Quadrato, JoAnn Stolle, Robin Quinn and Donald Bozzuto. 

NOTE: this will complete the CCA Party’s campaign to pack the ZBR with their own patronage appointees who will apply CCA Party philosophy to their handling of cases rather than state law. There will need to be LOTS of money added to the town’s legal contingency funds to handle the lawsuits that will arise out of this brazen CCA takeover.