Thursday, October 2, 2014

Not a ditto-head

A waitress-turned-author has a confession that might make conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh a bit uncomfortable: The two thousand dollars he gave her as a tip? She immediately gave it to charities which fund abortions.

Rush Limbaugh has made millions off of his particular brand of knee-jerk anti-liberalism, over the years becoming one of the highest paid radio show hosts on the air. 

With all of that hate-profit, Limbaugh was apparently feeling generous when he went out twice with his friend, sportscaster Al Michaels, to an upscale Dallas steakhouse where award-winning author, Merritt Tierce, was working as a waitress. After he got his bills, he reportedly left Tierce a total of $2,000 in the tip line.

Given the pretty awful treatment workers in the food and service industries often experience, most waiters and waitresses would be forgiven for taking the money and running, but not Tierce. Little did Limbaugh know, but his waitress also happened to be the executive director of the Texas Equal Abortion Fund. I wonder if he would still have felt so generous had he known?

Tierce said the thought didn’t even cross her mind to keep the money. She said it felt “like blood money to me.” Instead, she took the money and gave it to her charity — which provides financial assistance to poor women who need abortions but can’t afford the costs. “It felt like laundering the money in a good way,” she recalled. “He’s such an obvious target for any feminist or sane person. It was really bizarre to me that he gave me $2,000, and he’s evil incarnate in some ways.”

She may not have kept the money, but Tierce wound up just fine. After a few years, she decided to take some of her experiences as a waitress and turn it into a fictional re-imagining of that Dallas steakhouse in her debut novel Love Me Back.

Rush on the other hand? Poor, poor Rush. While he was publicly ranting about how college women who want birth control were “sluts” and “prostitutes,” the money he was making with all that anger was being dumped directly back into the very things he opposed. How’s that for karma?

If you’ve managed to avoid Limbaugh’s bloviating and aren’t aware (in which case, bravo!), the talk show host is fiercely opposed to abortion. To make that opposition explicitly clear, in a broadcast a few years ago, he went so far as to call abortion and the pro-choice movement the “root of our cultural decay.”

Make that: cultural decay sponsored by Rush Limbaugh.

Author Jameson Parker covers US politics, social justice issues, and other current events which aren't getting the attention they deserve. Feel free to follow or drop me a line on twitter.