Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Will The New Congress Impeach Obama?

That's what many on the far-right are hoping

A lot of you may remember Tony Perkins from the movie “Psycho”. This isn’t that Tony Perkins. As for the psycho bit…….

This Tony Perkins is High muck-a-muck (Emphasis on the muck.) over at the Family Research Council. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center“The Family Research Council (FRC) bills itself as “the leading voice for the family in our nation’s halls of power,” but its real specialty is defaming gays and lesbians.”

Among their other activities, they sponsor the Values Voter Summit (Their “values”, of course.)According to some of their paid speakers, same-sex couples are the equivalent of drug addicts, pedophiles (I thought most of those were priests.) and zoophiliacs. (People who “do the deed” with animals.)

Well, you could always say that those comments were just some speakers going a bit overboard, that’s not the FRC itself. Ok, let’s take a look at some of FRC’s stated positions:
  • The FRC says you can “pray the gay away“. (After all, it’s just a chosen lifestyle.)
  • The rash of teen homosexuals committing suicide would subside if they would just stay in the closet.
  • Transgender children threaten the public safety of women and children And, they are peeping toms, rapists and/or pedophiles. (This one is so sick, I don’t even want to think about it.)
  • Being gay should get you sent to prison(Putin would be sooo proud!)
  • The rash of sexual assaults in the military is due to the elimination of “Don’t ask, don’t tell”,(Yeah, there were NEVER any sexual naughty, naughties going on before then.)
  • Gay rights are promoted along with global warming because of a “population control agenda. Here it is, straight from the horse’s mouth. (The nether one.):

There’s a hell of a lot more, but that’s not why we’re here today.

Never think that Tony and his gang are one-note-haters. Au contraire mon ami!

Being troglodytes in good standing in the Tea Potty as well as the Religious Wrong, they are also certified Obama-haters! (Although, there’s nothing racist about it. wink, wink)

After all, Obama is trying to turn this country socialist! Or is that nazi? No wait! It’s commie….. Well, it’s one of those forms of government that they don’t know the real definition of, but it definitely isn’t a theocracy, so he’s got to be dumped!

Seeing his true duty (other than lying about same-sex coupling) is to rally the congressional troops around the impeachment cause. He hasn’t been too patient about it either, telling congress to grow some grapefruits and put him on trial. (Of course, being “Christian”, he used softer language.)
“We are a society, a government that operates under the rule of law and when we have people who don’t want to play by the rules, it really doesn’t work. And that’s why this president has messed thing up so much, he doesn’t want to play by the rules. And Congress is too fearful, too politically-minded to impeach this president because they’re fearful. We need leaders who are not fearful.” – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/tony-perkins-congress-must-be-courageous-and-impeach-obama#sthash.WZSQvjIM.dpuf
But, that was back in September. Now that the Republicans are going to win the senate, (and, they might) there will be no more excuses.
“If the Republicans do capture the Senate, there’s no more excuses about impeachment. See, what we’ve heard so far is how we can’t do that because we’d never get it through the Senate, the House could impeach him but the Senate would never convict, it would just be a waste of time. Well, if they have control of the Senate it won’t be.” – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/tony-perkins-if-republicans-capture-senate-theres-no-more-excuses-about-impeachment#sthash.SUNRR8sP.dpuf
As to what charges could be brought, he’s a bit vague, but they’ll think of something.
Of course, there is one thing that could get a teeny bit in the way.

It takes 67 senators to impeach a president. In 60 tries, it’s never been done! However, “true believers” never let a little reality get in the way of their delusions.

Dave Kilby is a grouchy old fart. (At least that’s what his kids say) He’s a freelance writer with a blog: “Grumbles From an Old Grouch” and a Facebook page: “Grouchy’s Grumbles“. Check him out. He’ll be glad you did!