Will Match Your Gift |
Dear Friend of the Food Bank: To help us meet the demand, the End Hunger Challenge Fund is matching gifts made to the Food Bank -- up to a total of $50,000! This means your gift will go even further to help hungry Rhode Islanders get the healthy food they need. Just use the donation link in this email to make your tax-deductible donation. The Challenge ends when 2014 comes to a close, so I urge you to make a gift now. Please donate to help get food to the 63,000 Rhode Islanders who visit our statewide network of food pantries every month. Thank you for your year-long support. Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2015! Sincerely, Andrew Schiff Chief Executive Officer P.S. If you’ve already made a year-end gift, you have my sincerest gratitude. Thank you so much! (401) 942-MEAL • donations@rifoodbank.org Privacy • Unsubscribe |