Friday, December 5, 2014

The Stingiest Family On Earth

The Waltons of Walmart

You know, sometimes when you’re scrolling down your Facebook feed, you come across a meme that just makes you so damned angry you have to do more than just share it. 

That happened to me today.

I saw that meme and clicked on the associated article and I got even angrier when I added up the figures.

When you consider that the combined wealth of the Walton family is $144.6 BILLION dollars, and yet their combined contributions to charity account for .05007 percent of that fortune, you begin to see what horrible bloodsuckers these people really are. 

That’s just a smidge over one half of one percent. I mean, really, why bother? I’ll give them this much, they’re true to form.

The Walton family not only doesn’t share their wealth with the less fortunate of the country that made them wealthy beyond imagining, they actually add to the number of the less fortunate by paying stingy wages and being directly responsible for many of their employees being on Food Stamps. 

What other company have you ever heard of holding a Thanksgiving charity drive  to feed their employees?

The next time you think about shopping at Walmart, think about this. You are already subsidizing them with your tax dollars because they are too cheap to pay a decent wage to their workers. 

Do you really want to give them an “atta boy” by giving them your business? I have found that with careful shopping, you can meet (and sometimes even beat) Walmart’s “deals.” 

Personally, I don’t consider furthering the agenda of a bunch of low-life, stingy plutocrats a deal.

Ann Werner is a blogger and the author of Cooper’s Grove, CRAZY, Dreams and Nightmares. Check out her website Ann Werner on the Web. Visit her on Twitter @MsWerner and Facebook