Friday, December 5, 2014

Town Council/CCA Party meets Monday

All-CCA Council holds first full business meeting of session
Get Out Meeting animated GIFBy Will Collette

For what it's worth, the newly sworn-in Town Council meetings on Monday.

Since each member has pledged fealty to the Charlestown Citizens Alliance, the likelihood of anything other than a rubber-stamp of the agenda is unlikely.

There may be a dissenting word or two coming from the audience, but it seems unlikely anything will happen other than the approval of all the items listed below.

Larisa will be back, to Charlestown's continuing shame
Among them are the re-appointment of all the town's lawyers, including Injun Joe Larisa, Charlestown's enduring symbol of enmity with the Narragansett Indian Tribe. Larisa is paid a guaranteed $2,000 to watch any news developments that might affect the tribe and then to take action against the Tribe's interests.

They're going to put former CCA Party Council member Deputy Dan Slattery on the Budget Commission. That will absolutely guarantee that we get the seventh consecutive property tax increase in a row.

They're going to talk again about passing an ordinance to regulate mining in Charlestown and to get the General Assembly to give them the authority to do so. Which action comes first is the only drama involved in this issue. This will be the first test of the CCA Party's new legislative BFFs, Rep.-elect Fake Bilippi and Sen.-elect Elaine Morgan - can they get the General Assembly to do this for Charlestown?

Likewise, the Council will once again discuss how they want the General Assembly to declare a statewide moratorium on affordable housing as a special favor to Charlestown (and its only ally, Barrington). Another challenge for Flip and Morgan.

The Council will also take up three new ordinances to amend Charlestown's Zoning Ordinance. These are the first of many items coming out of Planning Commissar's wish-list of things she expects the Council to rubber-stamp.

And a reminder, as philosopher Alexis deTocqueville said, "In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve."

REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – December 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Charlestown Town Hall, 4540 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI
The regular monthly meeting of the Charlestown Town Council will be held on December 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Charlestown Town Hall, 4540 South County Trail, Charlestown, RI.  The proposed agenda is as follows:

1.      CALL TO ORDER, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance

2.      ROLL CALL

Motion to move items 12, 8g and 8b to be heard next on the Agenda


All items marked with “CA” are to be considered consent agenda
Motion to accept, approve and place on file the following as the consent agenda: 8d, 8f, 11a, 11b, 13a, 13b, 17b, 17c, 18a, 18b, 18c, 18d, 18e, 18f, 18g, 18h


“CA” d. Discussion and potential action on having a Public Hearing on RI DOTinstalled rumble strips with RI DOT and Richmond Town Council if they accept the invitation from the Town Clerk in November 2014 on rumble strips with residents of both towns at the Charlestown Elementary School Monday, February 23, 2015, at 7 pm, or a date satisfactory to RI DOT and the Charlestown and Richmond Town Councils. The Town Clerk will notify and invite Charlestown residents that live within 300’ of the state roads with installed rumble strips and US Fish and Wildlife and residents along Rt. 1 where rumble strips are proposed by RI DOT

“CA” f. Discussion and potential action regarding the re-establishment of the Bicycle Pathway Ad Hoc Committee, with a maximum of 9 members, to explore Bicycle Pathway feasibility for the Town of Charlestown and the appointment of Anne E. Campbell, Jennifer Demirs, Sheryl Drude, Patrice Fenton, Jonathan Hammett, Jennifer Hodshon, Faith LaBossiere and Patrick Lyons, terms to run concurrent with Council term. COMMENT: I guess it's just not a priority to try to get bus service for Charlestown as these two items show. "Rumble strips" and biking are much more important to the CCA Party.


“CA” a. Discussion and potential action regarding the renewal applications received for General Entertainment Licenses
1.   Small Axe Cafe – Sunday, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
“CA” b. Discussion and potential action regarding the approval of the renewal of a retail firearms dealer’s license for the following businesses, subject to receipt of all required Local approvals and State and Federal licenses:
1.   Carolina Consultants, 110 Carolina Back Road
2.   Top Guns, 10 Crossland Street, Unit #5
3.   O.T.S. Services/Free Man’s Firearms, 557 Kings Factory Road
COMMENT: Seems that gun dealers represent the main small business growth in Charlestown.


“CA” a. Town Council Minutes: November 17
“CA” b. Reports: Building Official – November 2014; Public Works Director – November 2014; Town Clerk – November 2014; Treasurer – October 2014; Wastewater Manager – October 2014
Deputy Dan returns!


“CA” b. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Appointment of Daniel Slattery to the Budget Commission, with a recommendation from the Commission Chair, Term to Expire in June of 2016
“CA” c. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Acceptance of the Resignation of Jan V. Knost from the Planning Commission, with Regret


“CA” a. Request from the Tax Assessor for Abatements in the Amount of $1711.71
“CA” b. Discussion and potential action regarding the reappointment of Peter D.Ruggiero as Town Solicitor, including attendance at two Town Council meetings per month, one Planning Commission meeting per month, and Municipal Court and RITT prosecution for a total monthly retainer of $5,200 and an hourly rate of $135.00 per hour for litigation, negotiation and other non-retainer matters
 “CA” c. Discussion and potential action regarding the reappointment of Robert E.Craven as Assistant Town Solicitor, including Zoning matters, criminal prosecutions and Probate Judge for a monthly retainer of $3,400
“CA” d Discussion and potential action regarding the reappointment of Joseph S.Larisa, Jr., Esq. as Assistant Solicitor for Indian Affairs for a Monthly Retainer of $2,000.00
Trail plan for the Moraine Preserve
“CA” e. Discussion and potential action regarding the reappointment of Margaret Lenihan Steele as Municipal Court Judge, at an annual cost of $6,300
“CA” f. Discussion and potential action regarding the approval of the Brush Cut at Charlestown Moraine Preserve for Walking Trails in the amount of $1,450 from the Council Contingency fund
“CA” g. Discussion and potential action regarding the request from Patricia Anderson, Treasurer and Kevin Gallup, Charlestown Emergency Management Director for Sole Source Designation for Storm Guardian, LLC for the procurement of Armor Screen roll-up hurricane system directly from the manufacturer
“CA” h. Discussion and Potential Action Regarding the Award of the Engineering of the Clivus Composting Toilet Units in Ninigret Park Bid to Dowdell Engineering for an Amount Not to Exceed $9,900.00, as Budgeted in Line Item 73.000.5100.001, and Authorization of the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer, Each, to Take Any and All Such Actions, and Execute and Deliver Such Certificates, Receipts or Other Documents as May be Necessary to Carry into Effect the Foregoing


g. Discussion and potential action regarding a request from Geoffrey A. Marchant, Chair of the Washington County Community Development Corporation, to enact an ordinance that would limit the property tax on deed-restricted low-income housing to 8% of the gross rental income

b. Discussion and potential action regarding support and approval to submit an application to the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM) Recreation Trails Grant Proposals for a Composting Toilet Unit and Kiosk at Pawaget Park

3.      PUBLIC COMMENT for items not on the Agenda




a. Town Administrator
b. Commission Reports



a. Discussion and potential action regarding the amendment and approval of CouncilRules and Procedures

c. Discussion and potential action regarding the authorization of a working group to assist the Quonochontaug Central Beach Association, Quonochontaug East Beach Association and private well owners to identify issues and evaluate options to insure the continued supply of potable water for these and other coastal areas of Charlestown

e. Discussion and potential action on a motion to adopt a simplified ordinance governing extraction businesses. Actually, this is more of the same old pass-the-buck, putting the onus on the General Assembly to regulate mining and dodging any serious town action. This time, Charlestown will be counting on the two newly elected wing-nuts, Rep.-elect Fake Bilippi and Sen.-elect Elaine Morgan (R), to get things done when they have ZERO juice in the General Assembly. Well, Copar folks, is this what you wanted?

9.      PUBLIC HEARINGS - None


a. Discussion and potential action regarding a request from the Meadow Brook Inn for closure at 12:30 a.m. on the evening of December 31, 2014



a. Discussion and potential action regarding a Resolution Relative to the Need for State Regulation of Earth Removal, Quarrying, Gravel Extraction and Blasting COMMENT: See highlighted comments, above. When in doubt, pass the buck.
b. Discussion and potential action on a Resolution to be forwarded to the Rhode Island Legislature on a Moratorium on Affordable Housing Comprehensive Permit Applications and Reactivation of the General Assembly’s Oversight Commission Comment: Chances that this will go anywhere - ZERO.
c. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #365 – Chapter 218-52. Residential Cluster Subdivision to be advertised for public hearing on January 12, 2015
d. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #366 – Chapter 218-54. Residential Compound and Chapter 218-55. Rear Lot Subdivision; to be advertised for public hearing on January 12, 2015
e. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #367 – Chapter 15-14 Town Council, Order of Business, to be advertised for public hearing on January 12, 2015
f. Discussion and potential action regarding a Resolution to Amend State Tax on Retirement Income



a. Discussion and potential action regarding the appointment of Council Liaisons to the following Boards and Commissions: Affordable Housing Commission ; Agricultural Preservation Commission ; Budget Commission; Building Commission; Coastal Pond Management Commission; Conservation Commission; Cross Mills’ Public Library Board of Trustees; Economic Improvement Commission; Investment Review Committee; Mosquito Abatement District Council; Parks and Recreation Commission; Planning Commission; Senior Citizens Commission; Wastewater Management Commission; Zoning Board of Review; Charlestown Historical Society; Ocean Special Area Management Plan CRMC Stakeholder Group; Washington County Regional Planning Council

19.    LEGAL MATTERS - None