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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Attention: Faux News viewers

Eric Bolling Fox News animated GIF

It has long been debated whether or not the news you are watching is informing us or brainwashing us. Are we watching it because we agree with the opinion bias, or is the opinion bias of specific cable news shaping our own thought process?

Well, Gregory J. Martin of Emory University and Ali Yurukoglu of Stanford University through the National Bureau of Economic Research have just issued a Working Paper which looks at that very topic.

In Martin and Yurukoglu’s paper “Bias in Cable News: Real Effects and Polarization” they have determined that “Fox News increases the likelihood of voting Republican by 0.9 points among viewers induced into watching four additional minutes per week by differential channel positions.”

Seem insignificant? It’s not. The paper shows that had Fox News not began four years before the 2000 presidential election George W. Bush’s popular vote would have been 1.6 percentage points lower.

Imagine the persuasion power it has now nearly 20 years later being the top rated cable “news” source in the game.

The contrary is also true regarding MSNBC viewers who are more likely to be persuaded to agree with liberal ideals.

It also seems that viewers are more likely to watch a news source that is conveniently placed in the cable line-up.

A major problem stemming from these corporate news channels is a monopoly of very few voices over what people are actually viewing and getting their information from.

Martin said:
“If we maintain some diversity, then we can maintain some optimism that things will wash out. but if everything is concentrated in the hands of one owner, that’s going to be a problem.”
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) used to be much better at making sure things were legitimately fair and balanced, not just used as a tagline for a network that quite obviously sways to one side of the political spectrum.

In 2011, the FCC basically completely scrapped The Fairness Doctrine, which was designed to keep things on an even playing field where “programs on politics were required to include opposing opinions on the topic under discussion. Broadcasters had an active duty to determine the spectrum of views on a given issue and include those people best suited to representing those views in their programming.”

Not to be confused with the Equal Time Rule, which is still supposedly in play.

FCC chairman Julius Genachowski said in a statement
“Our extensive efforts to eliminate outdated regulations are rooted in our commitment to ensure that FCC rules and policies promote a healthy climate for private investment and job creation. I’m proud of the work we are doing toward our goal of being model of excellence in government. This includes our recent commitment to act in accordance with the recent Executive Order on Regulation and Independent Agencies, which is consistent with the values and philosophy we apply at the FCC.”
“… promote a healthy climate for private investment and job creation.” In other words, news, truth, honesty, and fairness be damned… we need to make a dollar.

God bless the United States of Corporatism.